The Al Qaeda and the symbolism of numbers


New Member
The Al Qaeda and the symbolism of numbers

<a href=\'\' target=\'_blank\'>From JAugusto\'s post on</a>

\"London attack: authorities should have predicted this one was coming

When Madrid suffered the 3/11 terrorist attack, the extreme similarly of the date to the 9/11 attack started a wave of suspicion that the Al Qaeda Jihad in Europe group was thinking about the symbolism of numbers.

Also, the span of days between the two dates was 911 days. Given that ancient numerology most often is concerned with the number of days between dates, the speculation that Al Qaeda was indeed obsessed with numerology was definitely considered as a possibility.

Now, don't forget that you need only two points to draw a line, but if you have a third point you can confirm whether you were right or not. So, what clues do we get from today?s attack on central London? Let's try to put ourselves on the terrorist?s minds.

The first date, of Madrid, was too easy to find. They just summed 911 days and got the 11th of March. It was perfect, because of the 11th day date and the \"M\" letter, for Madrid.

England was the next city to attack. However, there are no months that start with \"e\" or \"l\". Another correlation had to be found. Also, another formula had to be found; the first date they considered, the 16-Jan-2005, 311 days after the 11M (March, Madrid) was too early ? they were not ready yet ? and too obvious.

So, they started throwing numbers to the table: London has 6 letters, England 7 letters. All 11th days were considered. None was a good choice, mainly because of two factors: authorities are much more on alert on those days and none of the dates had a \"nice\" correlation on the time that has passed since the 11M. So, another date has to be found. Again throwing some numbers to be considered, 3/3, 4/4, 5/5, 6/6, 7/7?wait a minute, on this date, 484 days after the 3M and 1396 days after the 9/11 was perfect. Why?

For a start, the 7 is a mythical number. The number seven was considered sacred not only by all the cultured nations of antiquity and the East, but was held in the greatest reverence even by the later nations of the West. From the Seven days of Creation to the Seven Seals of Revelation, Scripture is saturated with the Number Seven. The \"three messengers\" - Billy Graham, Oral Roberts and Brother Branham - as foretold in Luke 17:28-30 and Genesis 18. Graham with only 6 letters, the number of man, brought a message from man. Branham with 7 letters delivered a perfect Message from God. In the religiously related Semitic Language uses, SEBA or SIVA / SHIVAN is the divine name associated with the number SEVEN/ SHIVAN, the sacred number of ELI-YAHU TZABAOTH.

Since the World Trade Centre building number seven collapse, the seven was indeed a targeted number for Al Qaeda. England has seven letters (!) and London also, on many languages, like Portuguese or Spanish: ?Londres?.

How about the span of days? Well, for a start, if you take 484 and sum all numbers, you get 16, and if you sum them again, you get 7. Next, if you take 1396, using sums, you can get 911 again. You can use this page to calculate the duration between two dates.

On the future, I think the next rule is going to be much more difficult to find, however, authorities should pay attention to this pattern:

1. There is always a correlation between the place and the date: \"Madrid\" starts with \"M\"(March), \"New York City\" has 11 letters and \"England\" has 7 letters. (As does London on some languages)

2. There is always some numeric correlation of the time that passes between each attack.

Now, I am neither a forensic investigator, nor a cryptology technician and I found all that. I just wonder what a really specialist could come up to.

Finally, a note of grieve for all those who were injured, their families, relatives and friends.\"

He may be right?! What do you think?
Re: The Al Qaeda and the symbolism of numbers

It's not terribly tough to play with numbers to get them to correspond with nearly anything if you try hard enough. Maybe if he can predict (and hopefully help stop) the next big attack by the numbers, it'll add a bit more credence to his theory.

Re: The Al Qaeda and the symbolism of numbers

lol, such a brilliant thing is hindsight, what an absolute loon, how hard he is trying to find a correlation... To me this kind of critisism is wholly unjust and disrespectful to the people who have lost their lives, their families and others who have been hurt.

Do we seriously think that the authorities were not on alert the day we hold the G8 summit, hmm let's think about that. They probably saved us from a lot more than we will know now. They'd be stupid to release details so the terrorists know how we beat them.

I saw no lorry loads of explosives tearing through our capital, a testament to our forces, who have done an outstanding job in extreme circumstances, my thanks and utmost respect to them all.

I refuse to stand by and have morons like the person who wrote that drivel to run them down ! Someone make him a steaming hot cup of English tea and throw it on his bollocks :D

Re: The Al Qaeda and the symbolism of numbers


I'm not sure I see how they are being disrespectful. This person seems to be only trying to make sense of it. Also, I've been noticing lately that instead of debating, some of you guys have been showing alot of anger. Your hostile cups have been running over. Why is that. Take this thread for example, you could debate the numbers without adding the other comments. Let's try to be a little nicer. :)
Re: The Al Qaeda and the symbolism of numbers

Anger?? HA! we don hav time for no Anger! We are peering into the depths of the universe via numbers, such beautiful numbers, each one it's own number, well maybe two, or three, or many , unique, sort of one of a kind, that we can manipulate to lead us to the understanding of anything we want. Who's to say that the Abacus wasn't actually the very first Ouija Board?
Re: The Al Qaeda and the symbolism of numbers

I'm quite open to the idea of numbers having special properties and even 'mystical' significance. But when someone like this states that the Police etc. 'should'v'e seen it coming' because after the event he created, and let's be honest he is struggling to make a connection, a dubious correlation between other events it makes me angry.

Yes, I'm sorry angry. I am a very passive person and have no belief in violence solving anything generally. But the idea that people who have suffered or lost somebody through this act and then comes to read this drivel, which is exactly what it is, how do you think they will feel, they will hang onto every word in some hope of alleviating their mourning and loss and maybe find an answer as to why, they are not going to find anything in that article of any use to them, quite the opposite..

I will gladly enter into debate when stories like this are presented as debate rather than a critisism, he could easily have used a better title rather than their pathetic attempt at sensationalism, we have enough of that with the Sun et' least even the lowest of our daily papers had the decency to praise the hard work of our services and show a little respect for the suffering..

my point was the critisism after the event is pointless, if we were to take his theory and the amount of convoluted levels of coming to that conclusion we would never leave our homes as any day could fit into some mathematical model that says we will blown up that day, it serves to create nothing more than fear and self doubt, both highly destructive in any society...
