The Annoyance of Advertisements


Junior Member
I do know that nothing is free in this world and there are costs to running this site. Yet, the level of ads on Paranormalis are reaching to the point where the quality of coming here to learn, read, discuss and interact are getting to be lost with the amount of ads on the forum. I do thank the host and admins of Paranormalis for their effects and work on this terrific forum over the year,s but since return back to this forum after a year of absence find the advertisement to be a bit aggressive. I understand revenue is needed maintain the site and other avenues have been explore but only only request maybe to tone down on the audio and pop ups. I seen other sites to be a good source of discussion yet over time decisions made to have placement of ads reaching to point of annoyance where visitor stop coming. Please don't become this.


If you are using Google Chrome, install AdBlock. That extension should eliminate all the ads from your view. I was in the same boat you are in not too long ago, then @Einstein came along with the AdBlock idea, and I have since installed the extension. Now I see no more ads. It's free, and it works!

I hope this helps! :)


Senior Member
I don't have the problem with this if I go thru tapatalk but I do if I just pop in off the Internet. Those game apps and Uber ads are persistent.


Thanks guys for reporting this. I wasn't aware that some of you are currently receiving ads that affect their browsing experience.

Can you provide me with a screenshot of the concerned ads, so that I can report them to my ads providers? I already reported them a malicious ad yesterday... the quality of their ads seems to go down a bit recently.

I'll keep a close eye on this thread, so feel free to report anything that you think is out of line.

Thanks in advance.


I switched Paranormalis to my secondary ads provider, which provides 100% text-only ads that do not affect the user experience.

No sounds, no pop-ups, no videos, no animations, no flashing ads. Just text links.

I'm real sorry for this inconvenience, it would seem our regular ads provider has been experiencing issues recently. I submitted several cases to them, but they didn't report back, despite my numerous requests. In light of that, I switched back to our secondary ads provider that, like I said above, provides us with text-ads only.

Again, I'm sorry this happened. Thank you for reporting the issue, it helped me solve it as soon as possible.
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Junior Member
Thanks for listen to concerns Num7. As mentioned before, I understands the cost of running the site just had to point it out.
