The Art Of Jumping Time Lines


That...really, really, changes the way I look at things, mate. All I can say is wow. I'm going to have to re-read this later on and hope I get even more from it than I did this first time through.
Don't feel alone. There is alot to contemplate. Sometimes the mind can only take new information that stretches it in small increments. I was the same way when I first read Fred Allan Wolfe's book, Parallel Universes back in 1993. I had to read and re-read the book a half a dozen times. My mind had never been stretched outside it's stagnated westernized shoebox mentality. Like trying to feed a baby a steak. I took in as much as I could and kept putting the book down after every chapter to contemplate what I had read. Lots of times I fell asleep. I didn't think there was any correlation with that until I read much later on somewhere that that is the minds way of digesting information. When we read things we resonate to but are beyond our current comprehension, the mind plays a little trick on us. It teaches us while we sleep. We have dreams of being back in school, of being in libraries, of old teachers we used to know.....we assimilate the information through pictures and symbols in our subconscious. Then we find later on when we reread something that all of the sudden we start to catch on or it starts to make sense. If the desire to learn, understand and grow in a certain direction is there, the mind will compensate. "Ask and ye shall receive".

Just handle what you can for now. When you are in a relaxed mode somewhere contemplating things in silence, you will be amazed at what the mind will bring back up for you to assimilate. It's never about being smarter than the next guy. It's all about "beating your own best time"....just being the best that you can be at your own pace. There's only one starting gate and one finish line. We all eventually "arrive".


Junior Member
I think I get the gist of what you're saying.

Instead of ripping a hole in any kind of time-space barrier and stepping into another reality, you're saying by simply asserting that reality will be a certain way causes that potential event to become real, even if it causes you to "split" from your own reality into a new one.


Well, the event, the timeline, the alternate reality/universe is already real once you desire it, imagine it and begin to act. What you insert into it is "yourself". Your own reality will start to dissapate in small, almost unnoticable ways and then more noticable ways until you hit a sort of critical mass and then the flip sort of takes place....almost like waking up and finding you've won the lottery. Your old life is completely transformed by merging yourself into the new reality that you have created.


Junior Member
Exactly. So it's not that sci-fi split second dimension hopping, but by mantling a reality and willing it to be so, you make it so in due time.

Reminds me of a book called the "Power of Positive Thinking" which asserted that by putting enough of your willpower behind something it's far, far more likely to happen than if you were to remain negative about it.

But changing a time line means you have to want it with all of your heart and soul badly enough that it simply happens.


Exactly. Sci-Fi Hollywood and fiction paint it in almost unbelievable ways. There is a validity to it in the quantum physics world and in the woo woo community. The Power of Positive Thinking is on the right track. The missing ingredient is ACTION. Also, the phenomonen THE SECRET is no secret at all. It was plagarized from an entity named Abraham. They are all one and the same principles. Only they lack the one essential ingredient. ACTION. I cap it when I type because that's the key that unlocks the entire process. The trap is that people think that by only wanting something badly or having faith or believing will get you what you want. In the 70's it was coined as "wishcraft". None of these things work unless you understand about putting desires into action. The way is simple. It forces you to take a leap of faith. Stop believing in something and start doing that something. If you want to be wealthy....act wealthy. If you want to live in a world of peace, start being peace. If you wish more people were like XYZ, start being XYZ. If you want to find your soul mate, start by doing the hard work of being that ideal. These are simplistic examples of describing the process.

Before I go on, I had already been experimenting with this process for 5 years or so when Tom Kenyon and the Hathors posted on this last year. I reposted it because I know it works. It has worked for me. Not because I had faith, not because I "believe" and wanted something with all my heart, but because I decided to act on the things I wanted. Instead of asking why "someone" wasn't doing something.....I realized I was someone. I realized I would be the one to start doing things. Especially when it came to the things I wanted. I wasn't going to rely on the government or anyone else. I took those teachings to heart and then began implementing.

I can tell you once you begin the process, you will notice small changes. Not mentally disturbing changes, but small things that seem out of place. Things that don't add up but you can't explain. Things that people chalk up as "bad memory". Then you will notice certain people synchronistically appearing in your life. Information coming your way. "Lucky breaks"...being in the right place at the right time.......and then some rather big things alter your life in big ways that leave you with no doubt that you are in the new timeline. Then you will notice people leaving your life. Some just slowly dissappear.....other leave the earth plane. Problems dissapate like water running down a drain. Health conditions clear almost seems like a miracle. Others call it magick. Quantum physics call it science. I call it the miraculous magick of quantum science.

With that said, I'm off to figure out how to live forever (I like to start small).........I'll let you know how it turns out. :D


Junior Member
So are you saying that creating or moving into a new "timeline" makes that the reality and the old one cease to exist? Or is this the changing things creates a parallel reality theory? Also, are you saying, that when you change reality this way, it changes for everyone? Or just your perception of it changes? Because as you say it may be our birthright to change our own past (really liking that theory! lol. who wouldn't? :) ), that would likely change the past for others as well, and would it not be our "birthright" to do something that would change things that would affect others? Or are you saying that's actually not a problem? Any clarification on these things would be highly appreciated. Thanks in advance. Some of us need things dumbed down a bit to fully absorb their meaning.
