The Baltic Anomaly - UFO?


where the wild things are
But really, if it is a UFO by chance, why would of the ET's left it?

Maybe its like in the film Prometheus. Those cave art drawings from the ancient civilizations point to a solar system that humans interpret their engineers want them to visit someday in the future.


Senior Member
Or perhaps it was left here for us to find? i very highly doubt it is a UFO and even if it was i have even higher doubts it would be relased to the public if was.


Junior Member
But really, if it is a UFO by chance, why would of the ET's left it?
They say their is A skid mark or A small trench in the ground from this object crashing , and their is also another object close by that is unnatural , the only way something like this could occur is if it crashed when their was no sea present , if it crashed into the ocean at A high rate of speed , it would have come to pretty much a dead stop it would not have been able to leave A skid mark that far below the surface it is completely impossible , so if it is A ship & I don't know , it would have to be so ancient that it would be impossible to fathom.
