The case of the captured mini-UFO (1972)


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The case of the captured mini-UFO (1972)

I never heard of this one before, that's an interresting story. Even 30 years later, they still stick to their original story, and claim it was true.

The case of the captured mini-UFO (1972)

30 Jul 2009
Japan has had its fair share of UFO sightings over the years, but few encounters have been as peculiar as the one involving the mini-UFO captured in Kochi prefecture in 1972.

The strange encounter took place in the Kera area of Kochi City. On the afternoon of August 25, 1972, a 13-year-old junior high student named Michio Seo sighted a strange object flying above a rice field while walking home from school. From a distance he watched the small, mysterious object zigzag quickly around the field like a bat chasing insects.

Later that day, Michio told his friends about the curious flying object. “UFO” had yet to become a household word in Japan in 1972, but the boys were intrigued nonetheless. At around 7:00 PM, four of them set out for the rice field in search of the object.

About an hour later, they spotted the object flying over the rice field, lighting up the night with a pulsating silver light. When one of the boys tried to approach to object, it suddenly made a loud “pop” sound and started to glow blue. Frightened, they turned and fled without looking back.

Over a week later, at 9:30 PM on September 4, several of the boys once again saw the bright object in the rice field. And two days after that, on September 6, the boys and a few of their friends found the object on the ground in the field. It appeared to have crash-landed.

One of boys — a 14-year-old named Hiroshi Mori (14) — picked the object up with his hands and carried it home.

The silver, hat-shaped object weighed 1.3 kilograms (3 lbs) and measured roughly 7 centimeters (3 in) tall and 15 centimeters (6 in) in diameter. The bottom surface was perforated with an array of tiny holes and imprinted with designs depicting what appeared to be a bird, some waves, and another flying object. Something rattled around inside the object when shaken.

That night, Hiroshi wrapped the curious object in a plastic bag and placed it inside his backpack. Later, however, the object mysteriously vanished without a trace.

Before long, the boys encountered the object again. They once again captured it, but it soon vanished. This happened about five or six times over the next two weeks.

On one occasion, the boys decided to pour water into the holes on the bottom. The object emitted a loud cicada-like buzzing sound and glowed brightly inside. Later, when they ran some wire through the holes and dangled the object upside-down, the top and bottom sections of the object became slightly separated. Through the opening, they could see what appeared to be electronic components.

On the night of September 22, Hiroshi was riding his bicycle with the object in the basket when it suddenly disappeared. They never saw it again.

In 2007, 35 years after the incident, the Japan Space Phenomena Society (JSPS) conducted a new investigation into the case. According to Kazuo Hayashi, head of the JSPS Osaka chapter, all of the witnesses still stand by their original story.

The mini-UFO of 1972 was not the last that would be encountered in Kochi prefecture. Nearly four years later, on the night of June 6, 1976, a 9-year-old girl named Sachiko Oyama in the village of Agawa (now called Niyodogawa-cho) stepped outside to look for her family cat. She noticed a bright yellow luminous object in the eastern sky.

When she went to the street for a better view, the object suddenly descended into the surrounding woods, struck a nearby tree, and landed at her feet. It made no sound when it hit the pavement.

The silver, hat-shaped object appeared to be about 15 centimeters (7 in) in diameter. Curious, Sachiko touched it with her index finger. The object was constructed of solid material, but it was covered in a slimy substance that stuck to her finger.

She suddenly felt afraid started to run home. Over her shoulder, she saw the object start to glow yellow, spin counter-clockwise three times, and shoot quickly back into the sky.

What could explain these mysterious mini-UFO sightings? Perhaps there is a rational explanation — or maybe they were hoaxes. It’s also possible the encounters were the products of overactive imaginations. Or perhaps, as suggested by JSPS head Kazuo Hayashi, these flying objects temporarily lost their way after slipping into our realm from another dimension.
The case of the captured mini-UFO (1972) — Pink Tentacle
Re: The case of the captured mini-UFO (1972)

REminds me of the movie "Batteries Not Included". Good flick.

Bottom of the ufo in the piccture looks like the cover to a drain, though.

Re: The case of the captured mini-UFO (1972)

Yeah, perhaps the movie was somehow based on that story.

Every UFO stories always end the same way: they don't have physical evidence.
In this one for exemple, the UFO vanished. At least, they took some pictures, but again, there are no amazing pics that makes you think that it might actually be a real 100% UFO.

What would you do if you found an object like this one ?

Re: The case of the captured mini-UFO (1972)

Open it up. See what makes it work. THat's probably what I would do if I had the chance to get my hands on any UFO.

I never heard of this case before, either. Good find.
Re: The case of the captured mini-UFO (1972)

Well here is another case to ponder, another captured mini UFO?:

Location. Caconde, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Date: May 17 1968 Time: morning
28-year old Caetano Sergio dos Santos after arriving home after his night duties found a metallic cylinder lying on the right hand side near the back door of his house. It was approximately 17cms long and 15cms wide. He tried to pick it up, but found it was so heavy that it required both hands. Nobody had heard the object fall there and there was only a tiny impression about 1/2cm deep in the ground where it lay. The family consequently concluded that it might possibly be some stolen object that had been deliberately placed there to cast suspicion on them---or perhaps even worse---a terrorist bomb, as the newspapers of Sao Paolo were full of reports of such cases at that period. Caetano carefully surveyed the mystery object for 1-1/2 hours. Its surface was smooth of a dull grayish color (but it shone brightly at night under the electric light, as he was to find later). The two flat ends of the cylinder were covered with some transparent material that was so closely joined to the metal that no junction point was visible, and he found nowhere where he could introduce the tip of a screwdriver, try as he might. The surface of the cylinder was so hard that it was impossible for him to scratch it. Beneath the transparent covering at each end there was a dial, and a pointer to indicate, apparently five numbers, 1 to 5. But on a slightly larger circle, and corresponding to the conventional five “Arabic” figures, there were five other symbols so complicated in their form that Caetano found it totally impossible to reproduce them. The five Arabic numbers and the five mystery symbols were cut in a low relief and there was a sort of engraved groove between the numbers and the symbols. The pointers on each of the two dials seemed to be of the same material as the cylinder itself, but were of different colors, one being black and the other red. The pointers stood respectively on one side of the “O” mark and of the symbol that ceased to correspond to the “O” on the other dial, each pointer having a small ball on its tip. Later went outside to sit in the sun and eat an orange. At that moment an aircraft flew overhead and he watched his mystery object to see if either pointer moved. They did not. So he resolved to dash it violently on the ground, using all his strength, but still there was no response, the pointers did not budge. He and his family were a little shy about showing their queer find to all the neighbors, but he did show it to the people next door. He forbade his two children to touch the object and set it on top of the wall of the shower compartment in his bathroom, between a small oil lamp and two pieces of soap. His wife was expecting a child very shortly, and consequently he was in the habit of returning several times each night to see how she was. On the first night after he found the cylinder, he returned to see his wife at half an hour after midnight, and as he walked past it he noticed the strange glow of the object under the electric light. Back with his work mates at the factory, he told them about the weird object in his house. Returning again to see his wife at 0107A he learnt en route from some neighbors that hey had heard his wife calling for help, so he broke into a run and found the whole house in an uproar. His wife and two children were out in backyard crying wearing only their light nightclothes. It seems that Mrs. Dos Santos had been awakened just before 0100A by a loud humming noise emanating from the place where he had put the object. A strange blue light was also coming from the same spot and a terrifying sort of heat was rapidly pervading the whole house right through into her bedroom. So therefore she decided to turn off the electricity but that had no effect on the luminous, acoustic, and thermogenic phenomena, which continued to grow in intensity. Finding it impossible to remain in the house she roused her two children and ran outside. A few moments later there came a noise like a clap of thunder from the roof of her house and a rain of pieces of tile fell around them. Then there was silence and her husband appeared a few minutes later. When they entered the house everything had returned to normal but the mystery cylinder had vanished, and above where it had stood was a gaping hole in the tiled roof. It was reported that an investigative group had collected pieces of the broken tile and had found a high dose of radiation in them.

HC addendum
Source: Dr. Walter Buhler in FSR
Comments: It appears to something or somebody dropped something out of this world in this locality and after missing it, it was retrieved.
