The cause of the Chinese invasion


Junior Member
One thing i never understood from John Titor is why would China invade Korea, Japan, other countries? Japan especially as its an island with few resources. But after seeing stories on the Chinese smog - most of their cities are poisoned, you cant see anything, the air is bad to breath - it makes me wonder if China would invade other asian countries simply because their own cities are too polluted to live in. Maybe they want to invade other countries to colonize them, not just to steal their resources.

It's as clear as day - China needs its own Clean Air Act | South China Morning Post

According to the national observatory, 104 cities in more than 20 provinces last Friday reported PM2.5 readings at more than 300, classified as severe, the highest in the six-level rating system.

More than 70 per cent of the country's rivers and lakes are heavily polluted and deemed unfit even for animals to drink and much of the country's underground water was also equally polluted.
china won't get the chance to destroy the u.s. but et's will as in the movie the war of the worlds theory.

More Chinese provocations

China Slams Abe's "Malicious Slander"; Warns Japan Is "Doomed To Failure" | Zero Hedge

Everyone thinks war will break out in the middle east, but asia is much more likely:

North Korea - you have a young Dictator who just took power who's killing all his rivals. It seems the doves are getting slaughtered, the pro military people are taking over, increasing the chances of a war

China - it has its own aircraft carrier now, its bullying its neighbors

Japan - crippled by the nuclear plant meltdown, they dont have a real navy, they are easy prey for invasion.

War could be started by any of these players i think Titor was right china is going to takeover the area.

Titor said : INSTABILITY of the US caused china to expand. It's suicide for our politicians to ATTEMPT to take our guns. Other countries are watching.
Titor said : INSTABILITY of the US caused china to expand. It's suicide for our politicians to ATTEMPT to take our guns. Other countries are watching.

The USA has a estimated over 228 million guns in the hands of the American people today. Per a news report heard on the radio about 10 days ago.
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