The Dawn Of Consciousness


where is your consciousness? between your ears and behind your eyes...:)

what is it all that you know from knollage obtained from using your sences and is developed by outside experiences?

And although our bodies are bounded with skin, and we can differentiate between outside and inside, you will never be able to see your own brain but you know that it is. its whats making you be able you be.And the more you become aware of the unknown self - if you become aware of it - the more you realize that it is inseparably connected with everything else that is.

i like to think of it as our body is givng us a window to explore things that is more than what i know more than any one man to know. unless the consciousness is infinite...not in time but in space?


to be aware that you are aware was the first step. then you are aware that others are aware but are they aware that i am aware.
and then you think if he is aware that i am aware does he know that i am aware of him being aware of me..then you just asume that life is aware. but most life is unaware of its awareness and the rest is aware of unawareness or shall i say lack of self aware...
