The Geat 2012 Freedom Revolution

Max X

Junior Member
The Good Bye list for this year and beyond

No More:

Corrupt and tyrannical governments
Income, property and sale taxes
Toll roads (Actually a tax)
Currency systems (Dollar, Euro, Yen, etc)
The Federal Reserve
Banks, evil bankers and their loans
The stock exchange of London and New York

Oil extraction
Gas cars, large trucks, and noisy gas motorcycles
Noisy gasoline lawn mowers and home equipment
Pesticides and herbicides in agriculture
Mining and logging
Water, air, and land pollution
Junk fast food and toxic sugary drinks
Bottled water
The use of plastic
Synthetic fabrics

Convenient stores and gas stations (will take some time to disappear)
The “Made in China” fraud
Planned obsolescence in electronic and electrical equipment
Dumping electronic refuse in third world countries
Filled up polluting landfills
Meat consumption
Chemicals and toxic substances in food
Fluoride, lead, and mercury in tap water
Beef, pork, poultry, and cattle raised and prepare for consumption
Fast food restaurants and steak houses

Animal caging and animal slavering
Circuses, zoos, or money hungry theme parks
Fluoridated dentistry and toothpaste
Toxic electromagnetism and mind control from Cell phones and their unsightly towers
Microwave ovens
Negative, shallow TV shows
TV cooking shows
Violent and negative movies
Offensive loud music
Government mind control

Constant Lies in private businesses and governments
Junk, trash generating , snail mail
Aggressive advertisement on the Internet
Computer hackers, viruses, trojan horses, or worms.
Fishing and hunting
Tours in large polluting ships
Dumping toxic substances in rivers, lakes and the ocean
War and military conflicts
Atomic bombs and their detonations
Undersea ultra sound against dolphins and whales
Underground and undersea illegal bases and laboratories (About twelve of them already destroyed by the Andromedans)

Overcrowded Jails with innocent people (mostly USA)
Hospitals, clinics, medics, nurses and their poisonous drugs
Legal and illegal drugs
Lies and misinformation in books, medical journals and encyclopedias.
Extreme weather in both winter and summer
Reptilians, the Grays and the illuminati
Big government and the arrogance of the so-called elite


The Meaning of 2012 According To The Wise Races Of The Planet

The Hopi predict a twenty five year period of purification followed by End of Fourth World and beginning of the Fifth.
Mayans Call it the end days or the end of time as we know it.
Maoris Say that as the veils dissolve there will be a merging of the physical & spiritual worlds.
Zulu Believe that the whole world will be turned upside down.
Hindus Kali Yuga (end time of man). The Coming of Kalki and critical mass of Enlightened Ones.
Incas Call it the Age of Meeting Ourselves Again.
Aztec Call this the Time of the Sixth Sun. A time of transformation and a creation of new race.
Dogon Say that the spaceship of the visitors, the Nommo, will return in the form of a blue star.
Pueblo Acknowledge it'll be the emergence into the Fifth World.
Cherokee Their ancient calendar ends exactly at 2012 as does the Mayan calendar.
Tibetan Kalachakra teachings are prophesies left by Buddha predicting Coming of the Golden Age.
Egypt According to the Great Pyramid (stone calendar), present time cycle ends in year 2012 AD


Hmmm. Looks like that covers just about everything. We can just sit quietly on a rock or tree stump , left of course by a naturally occurring fall, until we starve to death or die from dehydration or exposure. Finally, the stinking blight of humanity will be removed from the Earth and the animals and plants can have their planet to themselves to use wisely evermore.

Max X

Junior Member
Hmmm. Looks like that covers just about everything. We can just sit quietly on a rock or tree stump , left of course by a naturally occurring fall, until we starve to death or die from dehydration or exposure. Finally, the stinking blight of humanity will be removed from the Earth and the animals and plants can have their planet to themselves to use wisely evermore.

Numenorean: This reply appears three times, PLEASE DELETE two of them. Thanks.

No more chemtrails, and no more HAARP can be added to the list.
Obviously my “Good bye” list underlines the beginning of liberty and sovereignty that We the People, with the great assistance from our Galactic Family and the Ascended Masters, will enjoy this year and the rest of the decade.
My next list will be about “hellos” to freedom, justice, abundance, peace, etc. Maybe you, who are reading this, can write that list.

Max X

Junior Member
Hmmm. Looks like that covers just about everything. We can just sit quietly on a rock or tree stump , left of course by a naturally occurring fall, until we starve to death or die from dehydration or exposure. Finally, the stinking blight of humanity will be removed from the Earth and the animals and plants can have their planet to themselves to use wisely evermore.

No more chemtrails, and no more HAARP can be added to the list.
Obviously my “Good bye” list underlines the beginning of liberty and sovereignty that We the People, with the great assistance from our Galactic Family and the Ascended Masters, will enjoy this year and the rest of the decade.
My next list will be about “hellos” to freedom, justice, abundance, peace, etc. Maybe you, who are reading this, can write that list.

Max X

Junior Member
Hmmm. Looks like that covers just about everything. We can just sit quietly on a rock or tree stump , left of course by a naturally occurring fall, until we starve to death or die from dehydration or exposure. Finally, the stinking blight of humanity will be removed from the Earth and the animals and plants can have their planet to themselves to use wisely evermore.

No more chemtrails, and no more HAARP can be added to the list.

Obviously my “Good bye” list underlines the beginning of liberty and sovereignty that We the People, with the great assistance from our Galactic Family and the Ascended Masters, will enjoy this year and the rest of the decade.

My next list will be about “hellos” to freedom, justice, abundance, peace, etc. Maybe you, who are reading this, can write that list.
