The hint everyone missed


Junior Member
John Titor was very good at dropping useful info in a sea of garbage to confuse people. In light of the recent events in the Ukraine this nugget is very telling:

Some of you have been reading for a while now about the war in 2015 and the breakthroughs in
particle physics that would be coming soon. Doesn't the CIA report on 2015 and news on the z-field
compression at least support what I've been saying a little bit? I just saw another story today about
the Russians moving Nuks into the Balkins to thwart any future expansion by NATO.

Ukraine is part of the balkans. Here we are getting closer and closer to 2015 when Russia is supposed to launch a nuclear attack against the US, and theres a revolution on Russias doorstep, in the balkans. Titor is saying Russia, today, has nuclear weapons in the Balkans aimed right at us.

Another interesting thing to note today was the new defense budget released. Reading the report you get the feeling that since 9/11 the US govt has spent trillions on internet spying and drones, and neglected the traditional arms and nuclear weapon force. John Titor talked about about erosion of civil liberties and an evil government. Maybe he mentioned this not just to wake us up, but to explain how the United States - with the worlds best military - will be unprepared for WWIII. If I noticed this, im sure Russia has too.


Perhaps the government knows this is coming and is doing everything it can to prepare itself for the impossible and inevitable. They spy on everything they can because even people like you are potential sleeper agents. I've seen it for myself. Average Joe people on the side if the street just stop and grin at me and say some off the wall shit. Hell my parents are. They spy on us because the enemy has been here already. And they are looking for anyone who is left and uninfected as well as those who are infected. We are the underdogs in an extra dimensional time war.... the pawns. But there are a hell of a lot of us. Control the pawns control the board. But even the pawns can turn into knights and queens.


Temporal Engineer
Perhaps the government knows this is coming and is doing everything it can to prepare itself for the impossible and inevitable. They spy on everything they can because even people like you are potential sleeper agents. I've seen it for myself. Average Joe people on the side if the street just stop and grin at me and say some off the wall shit. Hell my parents are. They spy on us because the enemy has been here already. And they are looking for anyone who is left and uninfected as well as those who are infected. We are the underdogs in an extra dimensional time war.... the pawns. But there are a hell of a lot of us. Control the pawns control the board. But even the pawns can turn into knights and queens.

I do believe 9/11 was part of a time war to expose the corrupt government. Looks like it worked. Now its up to We The People to correct the problem. Perhaps the solution is to outlaw government worldwide.


I don't have much experience with the government. But from what I've seen? Its a lot of People themselves that are infected. Fluoride in water. Fluoride is toxic to those invading.

A subsonic emergency alert system spanning across the continental US. Low sound frequencies is devastating to their cellular membranes. The government is fighting a war for us when they themselves have been infiltrated. Be grateful they are still fighting for you and haven't given in. Yes. We are poisoning the world. I hate it. But if there is one thing about the human will its they will push the red button if it comes to that. Would you accept defeat or would you push the red button?


Active Member
They do not fight FOR us, they do not fight at all themselves! They USE us, to fight their wars, for their "PRIZE"! Money, POWER. They could give two shits less about me, you, or anyone besides themselves. When was the last time the government helped me at all?? NEVER. I see what they do, who they really are and what their ulterior motives are. They LIE, STEAL AND KILL. We aren't people to them. We are mules, burdens, guinea pigs, soldiers, and numbers. That's it. Don't get it twisted when they pretend its for "us". They will sooner throw us out to the wolves, than to face them themselves. Though these "wolves" arethe very monsters they have created & continue to feed. And I tell u, we will not be the ones ffeasting in the end if we leave it up to them.


As someone who just swore in to the US Navy and I'm also moderately adept in witchcraft and dealt first hand with such beings? I could feel that the US military is knowing of these invaders that you will never even see except in your dreams. I never felt a place that was so clean and locked down before. My own energy exploded in the presence of certain others while some stared at me with disdain. Our schools. Our government. Our military. Our personal lives. They are everywhere.

So beg and complain and lash out all you want. What are YOU doing to ensure your freedoms and rights aren't taken by an enemy you don't want to believe even exists?


Active Member
I wasn't lashing out, nor was I complaining. I was simply speaking the truth as I see it.
What you are speaking of, I am interested in hearing more. If there's a piece of the picture I'm not seeing, please, tell me. I am only a seeker of truth, in full. I am open minded, though there is a moat in place as defense. I am putting the bridge down for you, if you would like to tell me, US, more?


Active Member
I'm thinking something a wise man tried telling me of once, is coming full circle : I am getting goosebumps...
