The human eye emits an energy beam?!?


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The human eye emits an energy beam?!?

ew... What?

I'm sure almost everyone here at some point felt that someone was looking at them. I can't say exactly when it happened to me the last time, but I know it did at some point.
Although nearly everyone has experienced the sense of being stared at only to find that a person or animal really was looking, Western science has long rejected that the human eye can emit any form of energy. Dr. Ross says his findings move "human ocular extramission," which he also refers to as an "eyebeam," from the realm of superstition to science.

"We used our patent pending Electromagnetic Beam Detection System, which includes modified EEG neurofeedback equipment, to prove that the human eye emits an electromagnetic signal that can be measured scientifically," said Dr. Ross. "I hope that future experiments will determine why energy emitted from the eye is so strong and whether it can be harnessed through focused attention."

Dr Ross went to the JREF to test his device and theories. Guess what ?
Although Dr. Ross can prove that his eyebeam can make a tone sound out of a computer, JREF insists that no energy can be emitted from the eyes and mocked Dr. Ross with its Pigasus Award. JREF has not responded to Dr. Ross' test protocol.

Leaving the JREF part out, these studies are pretty interesting, and make you wonder about powerful eye contacts you can have with someone at times. Some people claim to read in others people's mind when looking in their eyes as well. Perhaps there's something more.
Re: The human eye emits an energy beam?!?

It goes back to some of the facets of being Soul. We are more powerful than we know. It's not something that has to do with being more special in some exaggerated sense that allows us to stroke the ego in some fashion, it's more of a, It Just Is, type of thing.
One of the BEST attitudes or perceptions of this particular consciousness is the fact that we are constantly creating, we constantly radiate for lack of a better reference. Imagine it like a fire hydrant letting loose or playdough press that is always extruding.

The cognition of being observed has much to do with a combination how occupied one is mentally and how aware they are.

Here are a few more examples, If I'm not mistaken, if you want your mate to become interested in something, try to hide it from her - consciously waste a bunch of energy worrying about "getting caught" over something. Women are pretty much psychic anyway and they'll pick it up.

I had read years ago that animalkind's only defense from humans was the ability to see the pictures in our own mind, like a telepathy, but more privitive if never excersized. I myself have experimented with it to some degree of success with my two cats, You have to think in pictures though. Picture your self handing your pet a treat or a plate with the treat on it. Or picture yourself scratching, petting them as you look at them and watch to see how it takes for them to react.
If I'm not mistaken, I had heard something along the same line from hunting about not involving the brain while waiting. Being very intent my be like broadcasting and therefor you spook what ever it is you are hunting. Either that or they can smell the Mama Celest fake cheese pizza you et yesterday and they take off...

I believe that sight does send an energy of sorts / vibrations. It is an actual contact of sorts, science just hast figured out how to make equipment that will test it so they can verify it.

The window to another Soul is definitely through the eyes. You can tell if a young child is "here" or not of if he's still busy elsewhere.

Re: The human eye emits an energy beam?!?


It's just heat vision like Superman.


Re: The human eye emits an energy beam?!?

Funny you should mention that. As God is my witness, on the way home I though to myself that I'd probably need to qualify some things further on this so it didn't sound too out there and that I'd bet that someone would bring up Heat Vision, at the very least. Shoulda bet myself $20.00.

Like I said, ladies can be psychic. I'm sure some of you can remember trying to check out some babe in all her glory, only to get busted when you finally managed to remember that they have eyes too.

Experimentation in this arena can be very rewarding. No, not checking out babes, not that that doesn't hurt. The question is, does sight involve thought and if so are we broadcasting our thoughts while the action of experiencing sight is going on? Can you view something and NOT think about it in either direction, as in either for or against?
Taken to the next level, can you redirect your attention in such a way as to become invisible? Best place I can think to try this iin a shopping mall. Find a place sort of out of the way against a wall and try putting your attention on something totally different from what's out there moving.
Scuttle butt says that if you do this properly, folks will start bumping into you because they don't "see" you.

There are several types of motion, an unrelated relevance may perhaps be the one learned while playing war games. Refusing to eat non indigenous foods and only eating foods that people that live in the vicinity eat, people are unable to notice something "different" moving by, the odor. Sort of same thing goes for moving when its dark, if you don't move or make any noise, no one can see you, even when looking directly at you. Helps not to look directly at them or smile. Course you're all smeared with black and green matt grease paint. I'm pretty sure ripping one will spoil your efforts too. Just saying.
Re: The human eye emits an energy beam?!?

There are several types of motion, an unrelated relevance may perhaps be the one learned while playing war games. Refusing to eat non indigenous foods and only eating foods that people that live in the vicinity eat, people are unable to notice something "different" moving by, the odor. Sort of same thing goes for moving when its dark, if you don't move or make any noise, no one can see you, even when looking directly at you. Helps not to look directly at them or smile. Course you're all smeared with black and green matt grease paint. I'm pretty sure ripping one will spoil your efforts too. Just saying.

Back in the day, I knew quite a few hardcore lrrp boys who were religious about eating, drinking and going native when going deep incountry. Claimed the wrong smell would send you home in a bag quick. Most came back so I'm thinking they were right.
Re: The human eye emits an energy beam?!?

A video of Dr. Ross using the eye-beam tester device. THe software among other things are a secret. Because it's fake or because he doesn't want this technology to fall into the wrong hands?

Re: The human eye emits an energy beam?!?

Depends on which Flounder is the founder.

Besides, Light Beans and Heavy Beans tend to have as much energy and speed as each other.
Re: The human eye emits an energy beam?!?

It ain't the energy or speed that matters Star, it's the volume density that'll make your eyes sting.
