The Hunger Games and mass shootings


Senior Member
Here's an official timeline of events.

September 14, 2008 - Suzanne Collins publishes a book called The Hunger Games

March 12, 2012 - The film adaptation of The Hunger Games is first released

December 14, 2012 - Adam Lanza shoots a bunch of kids and teachers at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Sandy Hook, CT

May 23, 2014 - Elliot Rodger shoots several people in Isla Vista, CA

June 17, 2015 - Dylann Roof goes into a black church in Charleston, SC, and kills 9 churchgoers


However, not all is as it seems.

Suzanne Collins lives in Sandy Hook, CT, where Adam Lanza allegedly shot children. Her book is about children being sent to battle to the death. The school was demolished shortly after the event, and the demolition crew were legally bound to secrecy with regard to what they saw there.

The father of Elliot Rodger was an assistant producer of the Hunger Games films. His name is Peter Rodger.

Dylann Roof was arrested in Shelby, NC, after fleeing the site of the shooting. However, this is the same town where The Hunger Games was filmed.

It is important at this point to remember that the US government repealed its ban on propaganda aimed at Americans in 2013. It was signed into law in January of that year and took effect (officially) that July. That means that literally everything on TV or in any other form of media can be completely fabricated in order to pursue a political agenda. It's noteworthy that politicians immediately seized the opportunity to push their gun control agenda, before the alleged events could even be sorted out completely or the families able to grieve.

Simply put, media and government have no credibility. Sure, there are bad people who do bad things, but when things like this all seem linked, it's best to take a step back and think logically instead of emotionally.
I've been waiting for a while to see if anyone here would bring up Sandy Hook. I've have my own personal thoughts on that. But I'm definitely curious as to what others think. And yes, the "coincidences" are pretty interesting. Thank you for bringing this subject up! I know it's a touchy subject because it may (depending on what you think really happened )have to do with children. But I'm glad you pointed these out.

Children are used in propaganda because they immediately evoke an emotional response. Who could possibly question the innocence of a child, and what kind of monster could possibly harm them? Unfortunately, while one is in such an emotional state and asking such questions, they are vulnerable to being led to believe anything at all in order to feel better about it all.

In the case of Sandy Hook, they were just attempting what had already worked in the UK. In 1996, the Dunblane massacre allegedly claimed the lives of 16 children and a teacher. Gun control was enacted the following year, with even low caliber .22 ammo becoming illegal. Records of the event, including autopsies and profiles of the victims were sealed for 100 years.

Dunblane school massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Was this a real shooting? I don't know. But it gave the leftists everything they wanted.

These shootings could be stopped tomorrow by giving no publicity to the shooter.

Focus on the victims. I'm not even interested in knowing the names of these sick f**ks who commit these crimes.
The government is certainly focusing on the victims. In fact, they're giving the families $29 million in taxpayer money.

How convenient when the Whitehouse & DOJ are run by blacks, and at least one of those allegedly killed was friends with Obama. I never hear about them giving money to white victims of black criminals, which are far more numerous, according to the government's own statistics. The double standard is sickening.

Meanwhile, millions of Americans can't find work, and many are even being required to train their foreign H1-B visa replacements before being fired simply for being American.
