The John Titor Legend: An Update from Pamela (2017-01-04)


Wow, I don't remember hearing about this in 2017. Can't believe I'm posting something that's 5 years old, yet news to me. Maybe I'm not the only one, let me know if you knew it, or if you're discovering it with me, here.

The first thing Pamela set me straight on was that that she didn’t converse with John over Instant Messenger, but rather in UFO-themed chat rooms. She also said that Titor mailed her a part of the “IBM 5110 label” not the “IBM 5100 logo.” Here’s a helpful discussion of the differences between the 5100 and 5110 models. She also sent me this picture of the label.

From there things grew considerably more interesting. First she clarified that the secret song John Titor provided her with is not actually a B-52s song, which is widely believed, given that the inscribed copy of John Titor: A Time Traveler’s Tale sent to her by the John Titor Foundation did include a B-52s song, which she tells me, was the song Trism.

She points out how this song, “speaks of a man time traveling in the night and gives this girl a ride, pulls the lever and sees bright light. This may correspond with the dream I shared with him [that] I had.”

She discussed this dream of hers in some length.

“Everyone thinks I started out asking John too many detailed questions when he came in 2000. But the truth was I had a detailed dream of a time traveler in 1998. I didn’t know exactly when I had the dream when I started talking to John in the beginning but I remembered that dream. The questions I was asking him and his answers are what I saw in the dream so I kept asking detailed questions. By then I was intrigued by him. In my dream I was in a car time traveling with a man where what he described […] exactly matched my dream. Later before he left he said he had to stop in April of 1998. I went and grabbed my note book and at the top was the date April 1998. My mouth dropped then I told John about my dream.”

What intrigued me most was something Pamela had to say about the faxes sent to Art Bell in 1998 that bare a strong resemblance to the John Titor story.

From there, they proceed to go over the faxes that were sent to Art Bell. Click the link above to read the rest.

It's a pretty interesting read. Feel free to share what you think.


New Member
I've heard plenty of times people talking about dreams being events that happen in our alternate selves. I do believe in alternate realities, psychic abilities and time travel.

I also do believe John Titor was a real time traveler and he visited Pamela in a very "close" timeline. Hence the dream.

Related question, have you ever had a dream about an event that happened exactly as your dream or even with slight differences?
