The man who met god


So this is something i read about a long time ago then, for some reason I saw sam post on another thread and, thought she may be interested in reading this. From what I remember about it this "god" isn't the same as the Christians Jesus but, it's still interesting to read about here is the link


Senior Member
Hi Kurisu, Thanks for thinking of me. :) I made it half way through, but stopped there. I don't know what god he was talking to, but it wasn't our Lord Jesus. Our Lord speaks to many people, but his conversations are nothing like this. :rolleyes: The writer does have a vivid imagination though.


Junior Member
i enjoyed reading this article alot it was fun reading and kept me till the end, thanks for this article only time will tell if it was really the main man upstairs.


Senior Member
This "god" was not even a low level demigod, but sounded like a bored high school student that had too much TIME on his hands as they say. Look at the construction of the words and phrases used by the supposedly omnipotent sovereign.
High level beings often sound a bit pompous. They speak in eloptic phrases such as:
"Nothing is impossible in a truly infinite universe"
"Ask what you can do for others, rather than what others can do for you"
"Pray tell me. What have you in store for me?"

People often say that they sound "Biblical" and as spiritual as mystic sages.

The clown who wrote this piece... sounds as unschooled in the spiritual arena as cave man. Hey, even a low level demon could have done a better job of faking the all powerful one.

Let me give an example to you:

How can you tell what a first graded says and what the teacher says?

Well a first grader might ask. "Is Santa Claus a real person?"

A fellow first grader would reply, "DUDE, there is just no way. He is such a fat man. Like he would get stuck in the chimney - for sure!"

The teacher would say, "Well, class, and what do you believe? I feel that Santa Claus lives on in our hearts."

It is not hard to tell if a the speaker is a god, because the difference in intelligence between a human and a god is beyond anything you can imagine. :)


Taken from the bottom of the web page.
(If you've enjoyed this and, in particular if you're wondering why we didn't touch on the issue of "Life After Death", you might like to try my play - Resurrection Part 1 - Primary Species)

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Version 2 - published August 2010 after inspiration from the Video Collective
who have yet to give me their name!
This work is licensed by Harry Stottle (2000-10) under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License.

Taken from the left column of the web page.
with God
The Eagle Has Landed
All's Well That Ends Well

This article "The man who met God" is a play. Its called a one-act play. It is nothing more than the typical atheistic depiction of Whom they percieve God to be like 'If there was One'.


This is something I found interesting personally I don't believe this is true however what would you guys think if this was the case do you think humans would have much of a chance of survival?
