The meaning of 177


This thread is inspired by last night's chat. I thought it would be fun to toss the idea around.

It was brought to our attention last night the possibility of 177 being just a symbol in John Titor's story.
What do you think? Did it really represent his team? Was it a secret code?

177 (number) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wikipedia has a lot of 177 information. I was focused on the asteroid 177 Irma. I plan on checking it out when I have time and finding out if it is at all related to the rumor of an asteroid coming close in 2036.

If you think about it, why exactly is the future (Titor) so concerned about fixing the Unix problem?
Was 177 a hint of some sort or was the chatter tickling our funny bone?


Junior Member
It was all a little too vague to make any real sense, I lost count how many times the person said " I can neither confirm nor deny ". It made me wonder if the internet was around in the time of Nostradamus how we would perceive all of his predictions and quatrains. With Nostradamus it seemed to be very - if it happens "I told you so!" but if it doesn't happen "Oh well.." It's a little like synchronicity and meaningful coincidence, regardless of what happens you can apply certain aspects of that event to what was originally predicted and in many ways it's so open you could apply any number of events to it. All they had to do was say something like " in 2015 we will develop such and such , or cure something " , something solid rather than cryptic hints.

I had a look through some of Titor's predictions today and if he himself can come out and say such and such will happen then what's stopping a complete stranger who is trying to convince a chatroom full of people. I'm by no means a skeptic but when someone is intentionally cryptic it means either 1 of 2 things, they really do have something to hide or they are making it up as they go along and if they are too descriptive in their claims there is a higher chance of being caught out. The most obvious 177 connection seems to be the Irma asteroid belt, either way last night was certainly different. o_0



Not meaning to take sides, but knowing who this person could be, I believe he is working on another project and was dropping hints of it.
You never know, he may be onto something. Worth looking into in my most humble opinion. So, I vote, he is hiding something, his next piece of work. :)

When I find time to explore the asteroid in more detail, I'll post here. I could discuss this stuff all day, but I have to get going now. LOL


Senior Member
This thread is inspired by last night's chat. I thought it would be fun to toss the idea around.

It was brought to our attention last night the possibility of 177 being just a symbol in John Titor's story.
What do you think? Did it really represent his team? Was it a secret code?

If you think about it, why exactly is the future (Titor) so concerned about fixing the Unix problem?
Was 177 a hint of some sort or was the chatter tickling our funny bone?

IMO, John left us many cryptic clues, but they were obvious ones. I don't believe TR's secret code claims about John Titor.

Here are posts where John talked about his mission, the UNIX problem, and the need for an IBM 5100 computer. Sometime after John left, it was verified by some of the original Engineers who were involved with creating the 5100 that what John said about the computer was true, but only a handful of Engineers knew about it at that time. It has since become public knowledge after one of them was interviewed for a Magazine article on John Titor.

QUESTION: Why did you go to 1975?

JOHN TITOR: The first "leg" of my trip was from 2036 to 1975. After two VGL checks, the divergence was estimated at about 2.5% (from my 2036). I was "sent" to get an IBM computer system called the 5100. It was one the first portable computers made and it has the ability to read the older IBM programming languages in addition to APL and Basic. We need they system to "debug" various legacy computer programs in 2036. UNIX has a problem in 2038.

On my worldline, it is known that the 5100 series is capable of reading all the IBM code written before the widespread use of APL and Basic. Unfortunately, there are none left that anyone can find on my world line.

Technologies themselves are not lost but some of the older tools and techniques have been lost. I think there is more detailed information about the war posted earlier.

When I leave, I will return to 2036. The computer I have is expected there.

QUESTION: Earlier you said something was wrong with the UNIX computer code on your worldline. What's wrong with it?

JOHN TITOR: Yes…and with yours too. I have to believe there must be a UNIX expert out there someplace that can confirm that. I'm not exactly sure what the technical issue is but I believe some sort of UNIX system registry stops in 2038.

COMMENT: I have a working IBM 5160 computer. Maybe I should stash it away for thirty years and see what happens.

JOHN TITOR: Toss it. The 5100 is the interesting machine.

As far as evidence goes, I have however decided to try an experiment with you that may be more convincing. It involves the travel of information at faster than light. In fact, I have dropped at least three little gems like this that no one else has picked up on.

You said you are confused by the 5100 story. I will explain further. In 2036, it was discovered (or at least known after testing) that the 5100 computer was capable of reading and changing all of the legacy code written by IBM before the release of that system and still be able to create new code in APL and basic.

That is the reason we need it in 2036. However, IBM never published that information because it would have probably destroyed a large part of their business infrastructure in the early 70s. In fact, I would bet the engineers were probably told to keep their mouth's shut.

Therefore, if I were not here now telling you this, that information would not be discovered for another 36 years. Yet, I would bet there is someone out there who can do the research and discover I am telling the truth. There must be an old IBM engineer out there someplace that worked on the 5100. They just might not have ever asked if I hadn't pointed it out.

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The Project 2038 Frequently Asked Questions
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We need the system to "debug" various legacy computer programs in 2036.

He didn't stay WHY, except for fixing a Unix problem. Here is my guess. This is from Wikipedia:

"NASA's now retired Space Shuttle program used a large amount of 1970s-era technology." and "If legacy software runs on only antiquated hardware, the cost of maintaining the system may eventually outweigh the cost of replacing both the software and hardware unless some form of emulation or backward compatibility allows the software to run on new hardware."

Perhaps in 2036, they are trying to rebuild the space program or repair the leftover spacecraft. This is where I thought an asteroid might be involved. Do I have proof? Nope. Just a theory.

UNIX has a problem in 2038.

I found a Newsweek article that discusses the use of Unix on the space shuttle:


What I find interesting:

Unix operating systems' interoperability falls short in five critical areas: applications portability, object-oriented technologies, security, systems management, and network management. In the applications area, for instance, a program written for IBM's AIX does not automatically run on Hewlett-Packard's HP-UX. Mix three, four, or more Unix flavors together in a single business, and the interoperability challenge multiplies dramatically.

So, I'm inclined to believe they need to solve Unix issues for the space program and that's why I think that maybe a close hit with an asteroid is possible. 177 Irma? I need to find that out.

I have not been able to look for the 177 pattern in Titor's text, yet, but I haven't ruled it out. Too tired from last night. :)
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where the wild things are


177th meridian goes through Russia...

Now, if you we look at 77 by itself, it gets a little interesting. Quoting Wikipedia..

"The number 77 is associated with Jesus Christ. CHRIST is C = 3, H = 8, R = 18, I = 9, S = 19, T = 20, which added together equal 77"

Titor is Jesus? Was that the Kilroy, "J.C. Was here?" LOL J.C. and the Boyz....

77 is the atomic number of iridium

Talking Heads had an album out in 1977 called "77" LOL!

Even if there was a pattern in Titor's posts, I'm failing to see a connection with his stories so far.
