Graveyard Hound
A work containing blasphemous magical incantations ascribed to a wizard called Abdul Alhazred but was actually invented by author H.P. Lovecraft, a renowned American fantasy author. H.P. provided a brief history of thsi imaginary book in an essay titled "History of the Necronomicon" written in 1927. Alhazred is said to have wandered from Bablon through Eypt and thence to the southern desert of Arabia, where he learned the metaphysical secrets of the univerese. Later in Damascus, he composed a work known as "Al Azif"-azif being an Arabic word associated with demons. This book subsequently became known as the "Necronomicon". H.P.'s bizarre vision has inspired several other works bearing the same title, each claiming to be "authentic".("The Watkins Dictionary of Magic". pp.205-206.Nevill Drury)