The Oak Island Money Pit

Very very strange i remember hearing about that a few years ago, even with our modern technology we are still unable to get to the bottom of it, yet some how a civilization which wasn't nearly as advanced as we are were able to build it.

This is interesting, especially a layer of coconut fibers found in the pit, which is located in Canada. The earth's crust has shifted in past years so this could be another example of this the mammoths and tropical plants found in the Siberian frozen tundra. I'm for finding out what is down there. Maybe we can get JD or Loopi to go down there and report back to us. I'll hold the rope, if that would help.

I used to install underground utilities. We need at least 200 ft.+ of 12 ft diameter lift station casing. In order to set it, we will have to use an auger system drill and slurry pumps to pump out the mud and water, mixed up by the drill's descent. As long as we can press the casings down from the top, as we sink the drill head down deeper while pumping out the mud, we should be able to go at least 20 ft a day, maybe further, but only during the summer months. If someone can find us some funding, I could probably make some calls to local contractors and come up there to supervise the project summer of 2014. I bet we could get sponsorship from the catholic church if one of you can convince the Vatican that there is a possibility that the ark of the covenant is down there.
I used to install underground utilities. We need at least 200 ft.+ of 12 ft diameter lift station casing. In order to set it, we will have to use an auger system drill and slurry pumps to pump out the mud and water, mixed up by the drill's descent. As long as we can press the casings down from the top, as we sink the drill head down deeper while pumping out the mud, we should be able to go at least 20 ft a day, maybe further, but only during the summer months. If someone can find us some funding, I could probably make some calls to local contractors and come up there to supervise the project summer of 2014. I bet we could get sponsorship from the catholic church if one of you can convince the Vatican that there is a possibility that the ark of the covenant is down there.
I keep thinking something... somewhere is going to happen and this could be it. Maybe we should try to get first dibs on concessions and tour rights...where we could make some big bucks.
I just realized something. How do we know that none of the previous excavations were not successful and the ark isn't being used as someone's coffee table in their living room? There were reportedly deaths amongst the miners..........
Ive watched documentaries about this place possible being the resting place of the ark of the covenant. but this pit is called the money pit because people sink so much money in to it attempting the prize. For all we know its a prison for some ancient destructive god, who know it just something we don't know what is and we are trying to get answers to no avail.
