The Oxford Milford Ghost Light- a time portal?

I posted about this before many years ago but I cannot find the thread so I am gonna make one here about it as it came up in discussion between me and friends of mine this afternoon. In the city of Oxford here in Ohio there is a road called Oxford-Milford road where multiple stories say along the variation that a motorcycle rider got killed there in the 1950s (the years even vary from the 1940s to the 70s) while trying to visit his girlfriend. Ever since he got killed on that bend of the road where Earhart road turns into Oxford Milford road, his motorcycle headlight would appear on the road. The light would behave strangely as if it was being shone underwater and would not reflect off the main surface of the road or anywhere else like a normal headlight would.

Well according to local residents there are no such records of accidents or deaths along that road in the 40+yrs they been there however I do have an incident that occurred to me back in October 2004 with a girlfriend of mine that wanted to see it. So late that October me, her, her mother and her mothers boyfriend along with her uncle decide to visit the place. After the bend we park alongside Oxford Milford road facing south. We wait an hour or so and suddenly a light appears on top of the hill we are facing. It behaves like its faded and shining underwater not reflecting off the road or anything. A car drives up the hill and through it, and they told us they didnt see the light when they asked if we were looking for ghosts.

Well, after seeing the light fade in and out several times me and my girlfriend then decide to walk up the hill to investigate further. We almost reach the top when we noticed something was wrong. The houses to our side looked different and there was a fence where there was none earlier. The moon was also in a different phase. We walk further and notice the houses and several barns had very old cars that looked vintage (I didnt know much about old model cars back then but I would say they were 1950s-60s makes and models) Well a car I remember as a Ford Thunderbird that was probably from the late 50s to early 60s pulls up beside us and asks us if we needed help. We tell the guy no and my girlfriend tells me the shirt and sports jacket he wore looked like something she seen out of movies. I remembered it looking like a traditional sports jacket. We decide to head back down the hill to the vans and as we approach the location we notice that they are not there either. At this point I am having a major wtf moment and the girlfriend is panicking wondering what is going on.

We decide to walk up once more and notice lights off in the distance down the road flickering in a very unusual pattern and behaving like the first light. I tell her we should head down the hill one more time and we see the vans parked to the side where they left them and ask us where we were as they tried to drive and look for us but couldnt see us.

When we all drove up the hill, nothing really changed. The houses looked modern and so did the cars, my girlfriend noticed it too and was extremely freaked out by the experience. Her mother still tells the tale at random times as she was even a bit freaked out by the discovery.

Ever since that time I have never been back there really, but sometime soon me and a couple friends will be going there with cameras and sound recorders to find out if its still there and whats going on there.

Of course if you look on youtube you will see many videos of that light, I did manage to find one other account of someone walking up and down there, exploring and finding an intact barn where he startled a farmer and some dogs. When he came back from the trees and on the side of the road his friend stated he heard nothing.

Once I get there and get results I will let you all know..

Speaking of which, has anyone ever been to that particular area?
So I went back there this past Sunday night/Monday morning at 1-2am. It was a trip with me and a couple friends I have known since high school who were also into the paranormal. One brought a video camera with him. We didnt catch much and the weather kinda sucked so we didnt stay long. A few things did occur though...

I was walking ahead of my friends after the road curved and they told me that they could hear the sound of a motorcycle revving up as they approached the fence at the curve. I didnt hear a thing which was odd, it was a very quiet night. How could three people hear something and one person not?

Shortly after the curve we kept seeing a flashing red light, it was odd it didnt look anything like the light when I first seen it or others. It looked more like a road flare underwater. It kept moving up and down, floating above the hill sometimes. The moon was out and we still could not identify a source of the light. My friend got it on video camera and I will hopefully post it up for people to see.

Even though the legends of the road were of a motorcycle accident, I could find no trace of one in any records, nor did anyone remember any on that road. But one thing of note, there was a guy who did live there who was a motorcycle fanatic and he rode his there a LOT. He has since moved away and he moved in the late 50s I think.

I dont know if the portal is still there or what, I didnt sense any spirits but I just felt 'strange' in that area. I do know some people explored in the woods and seen some odd stuff like my original experience. Another trip is in the works probably next year once winter clears. Who knows I may go there sooner...

What do you guys think?

Himalayan Hermit

Active Member
If there is no record of the accident, how do we even verify the claim?
Also, an alternate version could be that the Portal was always there and the Motorcycle rider just drove into the vortex and could not be traced so people assumed he had died in an accident? But that would hold ONLY if he disappeared and his body was never found. Definitely need more info. on this...


New Member
Would be interesting to see the video footage of the light if at all possible. Things like this could do with serious investigation, to see if there is anything in it or not.
If there is no record of the accident, how do we even verify the claim?
Also, an alternate version could be that the Portal was always there and the Motorcycle rider just drove into the vortex and could not be traced so people assumed he had died in an accident? But that would hold ONLY if he disappeared and his body was never found. Definitely need more info. on this...

Other people have went in and interviewed residents and they said they never even seen as much as an accident on that road. The library had records of people witnessing the light in the 70s as well. As for the motorcycle rider, the legend of the motorcycle rider could simply come from someone witnessing the light and some random motorcyclist (LOTS of motorcyclists around period) and putting it together to from the legend.

Or as you said, maybe a random motorcyclist probably rode his into a vortex.

Once I find out some more ill let you all know :)


Senior Member
If there is no record of the accident, how do we even verify the claim?
Also, an alternate version could be that the Portal was always there and the Motorcycle rider just drove into the vortex and could not be traced so people assumed he had died in an accident? But that would hold ONLY if he disappeared and his body was never found. Definitely need more info. on this...
I agree with Himalayan Sadly something like this is difficult to analiyze with no record or footage or anything really.
The other question is though that I have, what causes these time vortexes to form? I am sure there are others to be found around, especially in some 'haunted' places.

My other theory as to the motorcycle sound is that the time vortex just happens to lead to a random time where some guy was riding his motorcycle and the noise got transmitted through the portal. Could be a reasonable explanation for 'phantom noises'

Oh and I am gonna have the video up soon.. if not this week then next week due to Thanksgiving stuff
