The Past and Future existing at the same time?


I have received the book, and i have read in about 30 minuts, its very small, basically its a compendium of what the author , whose nickanme is Reactor1967 has written in his website , there is no indepth information about his source code, no real explanation.
There are some pointers to his source code , but i wish i had an indepth understanding of his method, which requires a large database of files with their weak and strong checksum. Basically I agree with his theory , since sporadically I have seen 'strange' events popping up during my intense coding session. His theory is based on the fact that present, past and future do not exists , only information exists , but my question is what conveys information ?? this is something that is about to be answered , a couple of days ago, at google, scientist have been sucesfull to create a whormhole inside a quantum computer, a qbit teleported trough a wormhole, is it possibile that he uses a similar approach ?


Active Member
Without more details, I still see flaws in the theory. A regular computer won't have anything exotic about it. Can you expand on the strange events?

If the future is known, it becomes a descriptive information event that exists in the past, that continues on until the event in the (future) present, and becomes descriptive historical information beyond that.


Yes, sure, strange event occur when I am in a deep state of both anger of anxiety , I cannot stand in front of electrical devices. Sporadically I get small sections of code which apparently contains slighlty different numbers and code structures, if I am troubled by someething serious I cannot stand in front of my pc becasue lights start to flash and the pc itself might be formatted , so I have to walk away. At times I do not recognize the directories I am working on , since the struture looks like its changed.


If you guess every possible outcome that is spread betting not predicting. This entire concept is flawed. How would you know which of your infinite outcomes would become the correct ones?!


There is no correct answer the universe works on the priciple of least potential energy expenditure every 'slot' must contain the least energy possibile, like the elctrons in their orbitals, the universe is fractal in nature. Obviously some possibilities lead to failure, this is absolutely a potential outcome.


Imagine time as a line drawn with pencil from beginning to end. Then there is a ruler perpendicular to the line, and you are slowly moving across the line like a recording. That's you. Now also imagine, the line originates from a single point that then loops back around on itself so there is no beginning or end. This is your timeline. Your life begins and ends within 1 second of 'playback' or the ruler moving, so you never experience a full revolution, because that represents universal time. Now imagine, there are infinite lines or realities. So not only does the past and present already exist, it exists in infinite matters, which means you can create your own future based on your perception, and you have free will to change your life and surrounding reality based on your choices.

The truth will always find a place to hide in the cracks of deceptive formalities, while reliable sources rely on rewards in exchange for distorted realities


Temporal Engineer
Imagine time as a line drawn with pencil from beginning to end. Then there is a ruler perpendicular to the line, and you are slowly moving across the line like a recording. That's you. Now also imagine, the line originates from a single point that then loops back around on itself so there is no beginning or end. This is your timeline. Your life begins and ends within 1 second of 'playback' or the ruler moving, so you never experience a full revolution, because that represents universal time. Now imagine, there are infinite lines or realities. So not only does the past and present already exist, it exists in infinite matters, which means you can create your own future based on your perception, and you have free will to change your life and surrounding reality based on your choices.

The truth will always find a place to hide in the cracks of deceptive formalities, while reliable sources rely on rewards in exchange for distorted realities

This appears to be a reasonable perception of how we as humans view the concept of time. But I have to disagree with all of it. We have no proof any of it is true.
