The Piri Reis Map


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The Piri Reis Map

Among unexplained things, the Piri Reis map facinates me since many years. It's accuracy, and its representation of Antartica without ice caps is amazing. The man who made it claims to used more ancient maps. These ancient maps were made from other even more ancient maps, perhaps from lost places of great knowledge, like the library of Alexandria.

Link about the maps, theories, quick details about other maps. Interesting readings.
World Mysteries
Hapgood has proved that the Piri Re'is map is plotted out in plane geometry, containing latitudes and longitudes at right angles in a traditional "grid"; yet it is obviously copied from an earlier map that was projected using spherical trigonometry! Not only did the early map makers know that the Earth was round, but they had knowledge of its true circumference to within 50 miles!
As the link suggests, the Piri Reis map is so accurate that it almost needed to be drew from the air. The technique used, the spheroid trigonometry was supposed to be unknown before the 18th century.
So, why is this old map so accurate ?

High definition of the Piri Reis map: 2000x2753
Link to ParanormalisWiki

Feel free to post what you know or think about this amazing map :)

Re: The Piri Reis Map

Numenorean7 said:
Among unexplained things, the Piri Reis map facinates me since many years. It's accuracy, and its representation of Antartica without ice caps is amazing. [\quote]

I agree.
Oh, I mean except for the parts about "accuracy" and "Antarctica."

It is horribly inaccurate - like all old maps, and it doesn't show Antarctica. No old map shows Antarctica because it wasn't discovered back then.

It was, however, referred to back then, and even before. What we call Antarctica is named after a theoretical landmass that was proposed ages ago. They used to think that there had to be such a southern landmass to "balance out" all the land in the north or the Earth would roll over! They even called it the Antarctic.

Once Antarctica was discovered, they named it after the theoretical Antarctica.

Numenorean7 said:
The man who made it claims to used more ancient maps. These ancient maps were made from other even more ancient maps, perhaps from lost places of great knowledge, like the library of Alexandria.

Alexandria was a Greek city and the Library was a Greek library. The Greeks knew nothing of anyplace outside the Mediterranean.

If you want to believe the Egyptians knew anything about the world, you'll have to explain why they bragged for hundreds of years about their voyage to Punt, a few hundred miles down the African coast on the Red Sea.

Numenorean7 said:
As the link suggests, the Piri Reis map is so accurate that it almost needed to be drew from the air. The technique used, the spheroid trigonometry was supposed to be unknown before the 18th century.
So, why is this old map so accurate ?
It is terribly inaccurate. Note the shapes of the continents. Why do you need to look any further than this?

I mean, dude, they could see these continents. If they used "spheroid geometry," and it is so accurate, how come they can't even draw their own freaking homeland accurately?

Numenorean7 said:
Feel free to post what you know or think about this amazing map :)

Maybe you shouldn't have said this part! :D


Re: The Piri Reis Map

It is terribly inaccurate. Note the shapes of the continents. Why do you need to look any further than this?
Did you take a look at the map with projected latitudes and longitudes ?
It actually shows continents pretty well.
Piri Reis Map (1513)with projected latitudes and longitude
Is this a fake ?

In fact Piri Reis himself admitted he based his map on way older charts; and those older charts had been used as sources by others who have drawn different maps still of great precision.
I agree, it's not perfect, but the man who made it said it was maid from more ancient maps. How did these more ancient maps could have south america on them. I'm no specialist in history, but ancient maps souldn't have south america on them. right ?

After some readings, it looks like the southern part of the map might be the south part of south america, twisted to fit on the map. Not sure though.

Perhaps, for it's time, it's a good map


Re: The Piri Reis Map

Numenorean7 said:
Is this a fake ?

I agree, it's not perfect, but the man who made it said it was maid from more ancient maps. How did these more ancient maps could have south america on them. I'm no specialist in history, but ancient maps souldn't have south america on them. right ?

After some readings, it looks like the southern part of the map might be the south part of south america, twisted to fit on the map. Not sure though.

Perhaps, for it's time, it's a good map

It's not a fake.

The guy also claimed that the Arabs discovered the New World before Columbus.

The map was drawn two decades after Columbus. In fact, the curved coastline of S. America shown on it was politically motivated.

The Portugese had a treaty stating they controlled everything east of a particular line of longitude. That portion of the map was made from existing Portugese maps which had been altered to try and gain more territory.

Re: The Piri Reis Map

So, what about people saying that we see antarctica without ice caps ? I mean, I haven't check if the "Antarctica" part of the map was fitting exactly real maps, but why should they say it fits the real land if it isn't Antarctica at all ?

When I asked if it was fake, I was talking about the map with projected latitudes and longitudes.

So, 2 decades after colombus. If I remember my history, colombus get to the Antilles, and searched around to find a way to india, and he went there four times. I don't think he reached the southern part of South America.

Here is a very interesting link about the origins of the map.
Saudi Aramco World : Piri Reis and the Columbus Map

The late victorious Kemal [Reis] had a Spanish slave. This slave said that he had been three times to that land with Colombo. He said: "First we sailed through the Strait of Gibraltar, then we voyaged straight ahead for 4000 miles, sailing a middle course between west and southwest in the Western Sea. Then we saw an island ahead of us and the waves became still and the sea becalmed. The North Star... gradually became veiled and finally invisible" He also said that the stars in that region are not disposed as they are here; they are in a different arrangement.
I'm currently reading it, it's pretty long. Looks like the maps were in the hands of a spanish slave, who gave them to Piri Reis' father. Then, He made a map with all of them.

Re: The Piri Reis Map

Numenorean7 said:
So, what about people saying that we see antarctica without ice caps ? I mean, I haven't check if the "Antarctica" part of the map was fitting exactly real maps, but why should they say it fits the real land if it isn't Antarctica at all ?
To sell books, of course.

No, it's not a good match with the coastline of the land under Antarctica's ice. The ice that has been there, BTW, longer than Homo Sapiens has existed.

It does, however, match quite well with the coast of South America.

Numenorean7 said:
So, 2 decades after colombus. If I remember my history, colombus get to the Antilles, and searched around to find a way to india, and he went there four times. I don't think he reached the southern part of South America.
This is true, AFAIK. He did discover South America, though. Anyway, once Columbus went, others immediately followed. The Portugese, for example, which I already told you.

