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A moment of seriousness.

Both of these videos contain 'A' truth about demonic language.

Nefarious is THE closest thing to an actual conversation I have personally had during an actual possession
I was called on to assist with. Life gets real in a quick hurry when something looks you right in the eye
and tells you all about incidents that happened to you when young....Amongst other things.

If anyone is interested, just rent the movie.....I hope to GOD it's as close as you ever get to hearing the real thing.

The Exorcist clip is about a common knowledge, they do mix lies with truth to confuse/anger/weaken.

Whenever I hear someone start to sound exactly like this,
I always give pause and survey what I am hearing and by whom.

I took a vow so, I will never proclaim what is all said by the possessed,
truth is far stranger than fiction and I have other people's secrets that I protect and
would willingly go to jail just to protect the innocent.

Absolutely no names.
Is Will Smith actually a Chilean mythical being?


The Chonchon is a mythological bird-like creature from Chilean and Argentine folklore. According to the stories, this creature is actually a sorcerer (Kalku) who took on a bird-like form. Out of all the Kalkus, only the most powerful can master this transformation. The process involves smearing a magical ointment on the throat, saying a magic sentence, and then detaching the head from the body. The head goes on to become a Chonchon and flies away, while the rest of the body stays behind. As such, it resembles a human head with enormous ears that function like wings. However, it is crucial that the sorcerer refrains from moving the body, because then the Chonchon is unable to reconnect and turn back into a human. It is possible to discover the identity of a Chonchon: when you hear the very distinct cry of a flying Chonchon, yell “come get some salt tomorrow!” and the next morning, the Kalku (sorcerer) will knock on your door to collect the salt that you offered him.

I do not know what happens if you refuse to give him salt, but I would advise against it. ;)
