The TimeFlipper Discovers Relevant Frequencies To Open Vortexes.


Active Member
This cycle is the pyramide themself
Spark on pyramide, coil on a magnet, clockwise and anti clockwise air magnet, and finaly the bismut, attached to the pyramide to make the eternal cycle


Senior Member
This cycle is the pyramide themself
Spark on pyramide, coil on a magnet, clockwise and anti clockwise air magnet, and finaly the bismut, attached to the pyramide to make the eternal cycle
When will you be testing out your theory, and will you be going to Egypt to do it? :LOL:


Active Member
Maybe it is a momy that taught me this information, i cannot remember because i have bardage in my face too, and my brain was in a bocal.

The 11th

New Member
The link you presented was about Fast Radio Bursts (FRB), a phenomena that was recently discovered back in 2007, I wrote an article about them on here last year (y):)..

Scientists have no positive idea of what they are, but they have roughly calculated they will reappear every 150 days, so obviously they are on high alert across the Earth, using various types of Radio Telescopes...The general thought seems to be is that the bursts are caused by Radio Frequency Interference (RFI)

RFI is not radio frequency per se (Hertzian Waves), it is a source of wideband Electrical Interference, such as the type Marconi created with his Spark Gap transmitter back in 1901, when he sent the first long distance message across the Atlantic Ocean..

Marconi made several radio patents for his work, four of which in 1943 were invalidated by the US Supreme Court, and given to Tesla!
I did like the first line of your posting, "Yeah, heres a paper on Temporal Morphing from Space Frequencies picked up".:sneaky:..

From what I discovered, Temporal Morphing is about flat sheets being "morphed" into complex 3 dimensional shapes, or did you believe Temporal Morphing related to Time-Travel? :unsure: :D..
Marconi is the guy that killed all the bees wasn't he 🤔
