The TTI Chronovisor


Senior Member
Hi everyone!

As some of you know, I've long-held an idea called The Chronovisor, which would let me look back through old and dead sites... Art Bell's site,, Time Travel Portal,, one called my brother and I used to hang out on, and many many others. You've probably got a host of your own "sites that got away" in the back of your mind, too.

The internet is ephemeral, sites move on and people get interested in other things. We've got the Wayback Machine which is a magic unto itself, but it has its limitations. You can visit an old forum that way any time you like, but good luck actually finding anything. This is an annoyance I've been trying to solve for a while, and I finally figured out I just needed to learn a little more code.


Clicking a record reveals a plaintext preview:

What I've built is a toolchain that does the following:
  1. Collect all known good URLs from the Wayback CDX
  2. Scrape those for titles and plaintext content
  3. Scrape those again to generate fullscreen images and PDFs
  4. Compile those into one dataset
  5. Make them searchable through an interface
There's some other things happening but that's the bit that matters. Right now I'm uploading about 20GB of screenshots and PDFs for the first traunch of records. Time Travel Portal was something in the neighborhood of 11GB, but that also includes things like login and errors screens so we'll work to cull that garbage out.

Full details can be found here:

The search engine is the first half of the equation. and then the other half is restoring the best and most interesting items from this dataset so it's more easily discoverable. Within TTI, each project has its own section where we'll put together a kind of internet archeology museum to bring early fringe/paranormal subculture back from the depths and provide a resource for people interested in these things.


In prior attempts, I was trying to bring ALL of the content in post by post, but there's just one me and 2.2 million records I'm interested in. One idea was to crowd source some of this, but that's time marketing and not discovering. With this approach, I'm flipping the funnel and building a way to target what's deserving of being restored. I'm also using this to help curate a database of Enigmas, and provide as much information about each mystery as I can from what this project is able to unearth.

There's so much forgotten or lost conversation and story, and as someone who grew up watching these sites come and go, this feels pretty close to time travel for someone like me.

Anyhow, I thought some of you would get a kick out this and maybe have some ideas for domains to add to the dataset. I'm happy to answer questions and I'll share where you guys can try the search engine out when it's ready :)
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Senior Member
It's surprisingly challenging to build a custom frontend for something like this. Too bad I had something staring me in the face the whole time.

I'm presently bringing in all sources. This means that entire site, everything that's ever been archived, is now searchable and readable. Check it out here:

Each entry has a screenshot, PDF, text scrape, iFrame and we've captured the actual page title too. 11,600 or so in this first batch, but I'll keep adding them.

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Senior Member
2,937 is on its way over now too:

26K records in this batch!

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