The Way I See It


Active Member
I am officially on Whitney Houston OVERLOAD! The past week has left me in a state of media suffocation over the death of one Whitney Houston. Now unless you live under a rock, or an underwater cave, there is no doubt that you have heard of this story. I can't go one day now without hearing about her life, music, drug addictions, Bobby Brown, her singing at the Super Bowl, her funeral, Web Video of her funeral, and a partridge in a fucking pear tree! The mass media suffocates the public with this stuff, as if we didn't get the message after....i don't know, the 800th time it is reported on! Now don't get me wrong here folks, because of this media suffocation I am inclined to say that I am saddened by her death....I was sad for about 3 hours. Let her rest in peace already! The same thing happened with Micheal Jackson as well..and my oh my did the mass media engine drag us through the mud for months on end with that performer's death. See, in the industry of sex, drugs and rock and roll, it has been well known that you live fast and die folks should not be surprised. In this case, with all of the social networking coupled with mass media engines constantly bombarding our short term memory with the same useless crap, we become sheepled with it, until we can associate her with our daily lives. The way I see it, I will need at least a few weeks in a sensory deprivation chamber in order to clear my psyche of this tragic and sudden loss to the music world. Maybe now her albums will sell. Worked for Tupac and Elvis.
