This is what's wrong with society.


Active Member
The article I'm about to post is kind of funny. This man is arrested for having sex with his picnic table. Then i get to thinking about how far the authorities are taking this. They apparently measured his house to see that it was within so much distance to an elementary school. So now just for having sex with his picnic table, he's probably going to be listed as a pedofile.

Here's the big thing.. his neighbor is not getting into trouble at all and nobody is saying anything about it. The story goes that the neighbor starts filming this guy as he is masterbating INSIDE his house. Why isn't anyone arresting the neighbor for voyeurism? I think it really is funny that this guy wanted to have sex with the picnic table, which I highly doubt was even in view of the elementary school, but it sickens me that nosey people like this are lauded as heros.

Man caught having sex with table gets 6 months : News :


Senior Member
What is this world coming to? No sex with a picnic table, I can't believe it. lol I was afraid they were going to say he also worked at a furniture store and they were now checking out all the vunerable tables for evidence. I agree, that I would have thrown the neighbor under the bus for taking the he is just as sick. I was thinking that this table lover will be hearing plenty of jokes regarding why he is behind bars and will kept away from all tables during his stay. We don't want you to eat lunch at our table!


I wonder what would happen if someone saw him having sex with a picnic table, inside his house.


Junior Member
Well I have a fetish for that lovely smell of new carpet you get in carpet shops. Unluckily for me I can't afford to buy new carpets all that often :sick:. I guess it would be a lot cheaper to get into picnic tables...
