Three Star General: Muslim Brotherhood Has Infiltrated Our Government


Time Travel Professor
Three Star General: Muslim Brotherhood Has Infiltrated Our Government


U.S. Army Lieutenant General (Ret.) William Jerry Boykin claims that individuals with connections to the Muslim Brotherhood hold security clearances in both the Pentagon and the Department of Defense.

Boykin says Republicans should have listened to Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn), who was correct to be concerned over possible Muslim Brotherhood ties of Huma Abedin, Sec. of State Hillary Clinton's Deputy Chief of Staff. Boykin says politicians on both sides of the aisle are scared to pursue the truth on this, for fear of being branded "intolerant," and the result of their inaction is continued infiltration by the radical Islamic organization.

He claims that people with ties to the Muslim Brotherhood hold important positions "in every major federal agency."

Boykin was one of the original members of the Army's Delta Force, served in clandestine operations for the CIA, and was formerly a Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence.
Well what i find interesting as well is the media isn't covering the Hacks on the banks that are going on due to that stupid movie that was made by a egyptian that we're catching hell for, several banks have been hacked by terrorist groups and will continue to be hacked until the movie is removed from the internet.
