Time machine or ebook

Brian Jung

Junior Member
Just praying to the God about time travel looks like being better.
Why? At least they do not need money for their so-called ritual and messy items.
Moreover they have evidences written in the bible.

Considering all the factors, I absolutely say that is better solution.


Hi All it's been awhile since last time I was in the forum sorry too busy well I just wanted to tell you next month is my birthday so I decided I am going with the magical time machine on ebay most will agree with me and most will say it a waste of money but I decided that I can't have time with skeptics and I am going with that for now God made everything time, animals, people, and etc but time travel and etc are invented by people I was going to get the magick ebook but I want to experience the past and future and nothing more can agree with me one last thing I have had several dreams or astral travel trips through my dreams and some are scary and some are fine or good it depends on what happens in your dreams or astral trips I am always thinking of of when I went to high school and others around me it is a difficult way of thinking I guess for me so does parallel universes and other dimensions as well as astral plane exist well there is alot out there if you think or ponder about them. The past I would like to see and hear different people and of those eras and learn what happened in real history and not fake history in books and etc from college and high school libraries and other libraries what is real can only be reality!


Glad to know you were able to decide which one you want. Are you going to post pictures so that we can see the time machine itself?

I'm really curious what kind of device it's going to be and what it's going to look like.

Keep us updated! :)


Hi Num7 I just wanted to tell you since I won't have any money left over I can't post pictures on the forum but I can still tell you about my experiences also I would share but I can't share the answers to my questions I asked to the owner of the time machine on ebay it is private to me because if I told you and others he would be angry I guess and wouldn't sell me the machine maybe after I buy it I could email the answers to you but remember this please don't share it with others on the forum and your other friends.


Hi Ronnie I just wanted to tell you it isn't on amazon but it is on ebay I will buy it later on if it is from amazon then you could give me the link for that time machine item I just went to amazon but it isn't listed unless you are talking about the book or something else!


Sure Frog, we'll be able to wait until you get it! Looking forward to having more details! :)

Can you show us the link on Ebay?


Hi All it's me once again I just wanted to tell you I have had some dreams or astral trips recently here is one of my experiences I was at my house but it looked different the front door was on the side of it my dogs were barking in the backyard I couldn't see other houses and buildings because of a fog or mist in the neighborhood then I went inside the house and I saw it looked different I checked all of the rooms the kitchen, the living room, bathroom, and the bedroom and I saw an empty pizza box in the bedroom on the floor so someone was in my bedroom eating pizza but now they were gone and then I woke up from my dream or trip everything was sharp and clear while I experience this dream or trip now on the news I am still going to buy that time machine in ten days which is not this coming week but next week after I know some of you in this forum says it is just a fake box and it won't work but I believe it will work and if I can't buy it then I will find something else to buy that experience I just told you it could of been a future or a past event or even a different dimension or universe I was in who knows for sure or it could of been the present but in another place and time well I have to go now I will talk with you all later thanks for listening!
