Time Travel Cleanup Company


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Think about it. Why don't we see evidence of time travel all around us? Remnants of time machines, unexplained high-tech junk, etc.

Some of us believe that time travel is very secretive and controlled, and I don't think they're wrong. I wouldn't expect time travel to be super common and mundane...

What if it is so controlled and monitored that there are actually time travel organizations whose sole purpose is to clean up after time travelers who have left traces behind during their mission?

Have you thought of this before?
Think about it. Why don't we see evidence of time travel all around us? Remnants of time machines, unexplained high-tech junk, etc.

Some of us believe that time travel is very secretive and controlled, and I don't think they're wrong. I wouldn't expect time travel to be super common and mundane...

What if it is so controlled and monitored that there are actually time travel organizations whose sole purpose is to clean up after time travelers who have left traces behind during their mission?

Have you thought of this before?

I imagine if it is possible that is highly controlled so there wouldn't be much need for a cleanup crew, but i get what you're saying kind of how like during the 60's and on UFO sightings and encounters were often followed up by MIB, so you'd think if during a time travel mission something goes haywire they would send in someone to erase it.

But if all you're doing when TT is creating a new timeline then there wouldn't be much need for a cleanup crew because in theory there would be nothing in our own timeline to cleanup as it would be in another one created by TT and in that timeline it would just be normal.

I dunno man! a TT could feel free to come and drop me winning Lotto numbers anytime now though

Think about it. Why don't we see evidence of time travel all around us? Remnants of time machines, unexplained high-tech junk, etc.

Some of us believe that time travel is very secretive and controlled, and I don't think they're wrong. I wouldn't expect time travel to be super common and mundane...

What if it is so controlled and monitored that there are actually time travel organizations whose sole purpose is to clean up after time travelers who have left traces behind during their mission?

Have you thought of this before?

I think it is because we don't understand how time works yet. The evidence could be there. It's probably something we wouldn't expect it to be.

Think about it. Why don't we see evidence of time travel all around us? Remnants of time machines, unexplained high-tech junk, etc.

Some of us believe that time travel is very secretive and controlled, and I don't think they're wrong. I wouldn't expect time travel to be super common and mundane...

What if it is so controlled and monitored that there are actually time travel organizations whose sole purpose is to clean up after time travelers who have left traces behind during their mission?

Have you thought of this before?

Would time travelers be so sloppy as to leave their machines stranded in the past or future? And if so, wouldn't our government scoop them up and hide them?

Controlled and monitored -- yes by government, until average citizens figure out how to do it on their own, and perhaps none have.
Also, has anyone actually looked for any? What about Die Glocke?

Skinwalker Ranch has a portal discovered by investigators.

There are very strange things going on with movies and predictions. Is that evidence, or are we humans just creative and aware of what the future holds? The whole Back to the Future mystery cannot be a coincidence. 911 in the first movie, and 411 in the 2nd (which has not yet happened). Were time travelers involved or were they simply accidental psychic predictions? The Simpsons is another production making accurate predictions. Why film? So many questions and so few answers. How would a time traveler benefit from contacting producers and creating hints of the future? Amusement? Or, as I said, the creative process could involve some psychic connection with the universe and we don't even know it.

Remember the Dream Theater album that came out on 9/11 that showed the twin towers burning?

The universe is mysterious. We have evidence all around us, but we don't know how to process it. Like UAP, very few believe it when they see it.
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Some believe this is possible. Those of us with ADHD will never know!
Isn’t that limiting yourself? I understand adhd can be a lifetime thing but there’s things that can improve your situation. Nothing works for everyone but there’s a chance something could work for you if you keep an open mind and give it effort.
Edit: just trying to stay positive on that note. Not saying anything specific as I’m am not even close to being a doctor
Isn’t that limiting yourself? I understand adhd can be a lifetime thing but there’s things that can improve your situation. Nothing works for everyone but there’s a chance something could work for you if you keep an open mind and give it effort.
Edit: just trying to stay positive on that note. Not saying anything specific as I’m am not even close to being a doctor

Tried meditating. Can’t focus.
Time machines return to point of origin;
it's the Time Travelers that are all around.
Stranded in city parks, mental institutions, street corners
waiting on their time machine to return
or portal to open.

In the famous words of Chef:
"Never get out of the boat"

in our case,
"never get out of the time machine"
unless your willing to go all the way. ;)
Would time travelers be so sloppy as to leave their machines stranded in the past or future? And if so, wouldn't our government scoop them up and hide them?

Controlled and monitored -- yes by government, until average citizens figure out how to do it on their own, and perhaps none have.
Also, has anyone actually looked for any? What about Die Glocke?

Skinwalker Ranch has a portal discovered by investigators.

There are very strange things going on with movies and predictions. Is that evidence, or are we humans just creative and aware of what the future holds? The whole Back to the Future mystery cannot be a coincidence. 911 in the first movie, and 411 in the 2nd (which has not yet happened). Were time travelers involved or were they simply accidental psychic predictions? The Simpsons is another production making accurate predictions. Why film? So many questions and so few answers. How would a time traveler benefit from contacting producers and creating hints of the future? Amusement? Or, as I said, the creative process could involve some psychic connection with the universe and we don't even know it.

Remember the Dream Theater album that came out on 9/11 that showed the twin towers burning?

The universe is mysterious. We have evidence all around us, but we don't know how to process it. Like UAP, very few believe it when they see it.
can you elaborate what 911 hints were in Back to the Future? This is really news to me
