Time Travel Convection/Conference!!!!!!


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Time Travel Convection/Conference!!!!!!

Student party: time travellers welcome
By Tom Leonard in New York
(Filed: 07/05/2005)

Students in Massachusetts are hoping to prove the most tantalising of scientific theories today by inviting people from the future to attend the world's first time traveller convention.

Organisers of the event at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have asked anyone who learns about it in an era where time-hopping is possible to turn up at the university's east campus courtyard at 10pm.

The students have even provided precise latitude and longitude co-ordinates in case the university is a distant memory in the future.

Efforts to give the conference publicity in the future have included asking volunteers to carve the details on to clay tablets or bury them in time capsules.

Perhaps aware that they may be swamped by imposters, the convention's website asks that people from the future bring something to prove their credentials. Suggestions include a cure for Aids, a solution for world poverty or a cold fusion reactor.

Amal Dorai, 22, a postgraduate student who conceived the idea, said it was a "very low risk, low cost way" of investigating the possibility of time travel.

He said the odds of a time traveller turning up are no better than one in a million but that if it does happen, "it will be one of the biggest events in human history".

"I would hope they would come with the idea of showing us that time travel is possible," said Mr Dorai.

"Maybe they could leave something with us. It is possible they might look slightly different - the shape of the head, the body proportions."

Organisers say they have been swamped by people wanting to come but, apart from a respondent claiming to be from 2026, confirmed guests are from the present.

Scientists say the stunt may not be completely far-fetched. But as it would be far harder to send an object through time, the conference is far more likely to get a telephone call than an appearance in the flesh.
Re: Time Travel Convection/Conference!!!!!!

How about we do smth like this!:-P

Maybe we can ask other organization/Forum, like TTI or Time Travel Portal having smth like this together!:D
