Time Travel Investigators

Eddy is one of my favorite members. He just kind of comes and goes and doesn't seem to be phased by anything.
Yep. I have read all of Pegg's work and still have about a third to present. Having in my possession actual evidence that can be physically held and examined - with the results able to be reproduced by anyone - holds against opinions that say "no" even though the people making those uninformed statements have not personally viewed it for themselves.
Those who shout and personally put me down prove by their own actions that they have not bothered to check it for themselves.
So yes, uninformed opinions (and rude people) do not phase me.

(If I had not obtained (ie. gone out and purchased them) the resources cited by Pegg myself and independently reproduced his results using his methods, I would still be a skeptic too.)
I am waiting for people to review Pegg's work (and my follow up research) and then tell me exactly where it is incorrect - not in "their opinion or based on traditional concepts" - but where Pegg's actual citations, methods, and references are incorrect thus producing incorrect conclusions.

My first Paper is an answer to all those who for years have been calling for a "Paper" - but you can lead a horse to water...

Here and on other forums people have viewed me "coming and going" every few months or years as a negative thing. People, this is brand new research, it takes time. My initial attempts at presenting Pegg's work could have (should have) been done better. I took the view of letting eveyone have the opportunity to view and examine Pegg's findings as I confirmed them, instead of sitting on the results.
I started my own research on this in 2002, and by the way, I do have a private life beyond 'time travel'. The information has been hidden in ancient texts and stories, in plain sight for over 3,000 years - so another decade is neither here nor there.

Currently only the Australia Time Travel Study Group presents workshops where anyone can sit and examine Pegg's claims.
If you are in Australia, come and hold the evidence, compare it with your ancient text, come to your own conclusions.
Sometimes I am available to be a guest at their workshop.
Details: First Definitive Proof of TIME TRAVEL. Australian TIME TRAVEL Study Group. Adelaide Workshop Shows the Proof | The Pegg Project®
Eddy, has the group considered selling these books online in PDF format so that people outside of Australia can read them? I'm very interested.
Hi PaulaJedi.
The website (link) below has various sections.
}Discovery{ give you info and a link to a summary E-Report.
}Consequence{ gives info and a link to the latest E-Report.
}Findings{ gives access to pdf books of which you ask.
The Pegg Project ® New Knowledge of the Past FOUND. Proof of TIME TRAVEL. Ancient Mysteries Solved. History to be Re-Written. Re-Educating People and Changing Society one person at a time | The Pegg Project ®
I just thought about this: We talk about and with paranormal investigators who study EVP, UFOs, creatures and parapsychology. Each of them probably has a speciality among all the possible subjects.

But... Is it me, or are there not so many paranormal investigators who specialize in time travel? Serious research and experiment if possible, track potential time travelers, etc. DrZ, who used to post here, can be considered one of them I guess. He was working on the field, on concrete stuff, building things and sharing them, meeting people in real life. Professor Opmmur qualifies as well, as he is very knowledgeable and serious, for instance. I'm not suggesting other people are not serious though. Some seem to be more serious than others, or so they appear.

Do you know many people who actually tested so called time machines like DrZ did, among other things?

What do you think a time travel investigator should do? Who do you consider a time travel investigator?
Hi all that are interested in Einsteins unified relativity theory and Nikolas Teslas equipment used on the USS Eldridge in 1943.
These experiments were used to help cloak the USS Eldridge from radar presences.
I cannot help thinking about Einsteins unified field theory of what his theory was supposed to do.
These generators used on the ship from my knowledge were made by Nikolas Tesla and the tesla cables that helped make the experiment work.
My question is this if Einsteins theory of unified theory was used in these experiments. Why did the Eldridge teleport to different locations. And why did some of the crew get imbedded in the ship when she materialised.
My thoughts on what had happed and I would love feed back on this.
The USS Eldridge did teleport and appeared in different locations.
Supportive evidence claims that the equipment provided by Nikolas Tesla and Albert Einsteins theory put in practice put the USS Eldridge in its own state of relativity separate from relative time.
Einsteins speed of light theory of 186,000 miles per hour would cause time to slow down or move backwards or forwards in time.
The world spins at 1040 miles an hour. If the Eldridge appeared in different locations in its own relative field governed by time slip of Nikolas Teslas equipment and theory of Albert Einstein.
Using the Earths speed of 1040 miles and suspended time of the Eldridge and the drops of kva or voltage which cause the Eldridge to momentarly appear in different locations. Id say the generators did their job but couldn't hold up for the whole of the experiment.
But one thing I would like to share with time travel enthusiast.
Using the globe to help catapult you for time travel and a compass which would determin how far in time you wanted to travel. And of course practising this at sea as it has the largest mass and no obsticles in your way so if you happen to materialise it was on open water.
This sounds good, most importantly it has to be that much understanding so that the one who is recently got into something like this can understand what it says and how it goes which is more like the need a big time.
There are a number of important things to pay attention to about reported aspects of the Philadelphia Experiment, that tell a lot. 1) Men were partly imbedded in the metal of the ship. 2) Men jumped overboard and landed at different locations on this time stream at 20 year intervals. 3) Some of the men were being 'burned' by some kind of energy. Nicola Tesla apparently understood that they weren't ready to do this experiment and the men would be harmed. He tried to get more time to work out the problems, but the Navy wouldn't give him more time, so he left the experiment. Clearly he knew that there was a transformation of energies taking place in such an experiment. And if it wasn't done exactly right, it could be a disaster for the men involved, which it was. The atomic energy of the men's bodies and the atomic energy of the body of the ship were clearly converted to a higher echelon of energy, which enabled the converted energies of the men's bodies to comingle with the converted energy of the ship, which was very unfortunate to the men when those energies converted back to atomic form. I'll suggest here that the energies involved are all in spiral waves, including atomic structure. But since spirals of atomic structure are much smaller than the spirals of light and electromagnetics(the next higher echelon of energies), when the larger spiral energies reconverted to the much smaller atomic spiral energies, it was an entanglement of disaster. Presumably, Tesla had the solution to the problem, as he was also working with radiant energy, a much faster energy(possibly also in spiral form). According to the story, authorities seized Tesla's writings after he died and used his data about radiant energy to accomplish physical time travel and teleportation more safely. According to reports, Duncan and Edward Cameron jumped overboard from the Eldridge and landed 40 years in the future, whereas a certain other individual jumped overboard and landed 20 years in the future. This data seems to correspond with Preston Nichols idea of a 20 year biorhythm for Earth. Part of the reason there would need to be such a biorhythm on Earth would be to keep the different evolutions, evolving forward from different points on the time stream, separate, without getting tangled up. It's the job of a certain level of angelic beings to keep the different evolutions(perhaps at 20 year intervals on the time stream from getting mixed up). And yet at times the different evolutions which are supposed to be separated by a certain distance on the spiral time stream manage to get mixed up anyway. When that happens we get some very strange reports. The men 'burning' with some type of energetic fire, tells us that when their bodies were converted back to atomic spirals, some level of energy was trapped in their physical/astral/mental forms that wasn't supposed to be there.
