Time Travel or you read to decide!


New Member
I am very into Paranormal subjects, be it UFOs, Time-Travel and Ghosts and any in-between.
I am not saying time-travel is not possible, BUT!
If you think about time it's self, we as human race developed our way of determining the suns travel across the sky (earth) as our time system, and future advances gave us time keeping today.
But in actual fact, time (as we understand it) does not even matter, its nothing. Time is something we have made/taken only from our own 'sun' traveling across our plant, giving us our time.
Apart from us (and of-any Aliens out there!), time is our invention, our personal some-what need to control the night into day, that happens on our planet.
Time (as we call it), does not even happen in our depiction of it.
Its something we created.
So, (time as we call it, or time travel issues are) we possible I am sure, more to the fact that, time for us, in rotation of our own Sun, and nothing to do with the rest of the Solar-system or, infact Galaxy as a whole.
Take our stuipd control of 24hours, and then think about the whole situation, Galaxy/Solar System, time is 'not'. (time for us is 24hr) time for the Solar System is as is, perhaps if we think about it, then perhaps if 'Time Travel' is a reality, we need to look to it.

Our mear 24hour so called day, is just for us, a man-made situation of so called time!


What about us being 3rd dimensional beings, making it so that we're only able to see one moment at a time? Since we experience one moment at a time, we need a way to measure time as the future becomes present then past.

I agree though that in another galaxy, a 24 hours day doesn't mean anything, but I don't think it prevents "time" as we know it from existing over there. Perhaps those aliens living in another galaxy live in the 3th dimension, so they experience the past, present and future all at once. I wonder if a 5th dimension civilization would care about measuring time.

Interesting to speculate on, wonder if one goes into the past and makes just one change in anything that when one returns to their present, find it diferent than when they left...saw an example of it on the "Twilight Zone". Just curious.


You seem to be Earth-bound. Perhaps you are young. Everytime you look at a Planet up in the sky with your eyes or a star you are looking at time. The time it takes light to travel from a star is measured in light-years being around 5.88 trillion miles (5, 880, 000, 000, 000). So one of our neighboring galaxies of the local about 50 galaxies we are traveling together in space-time with is the Andromeda Galaxy, which is @ 2.5 million light-years away. It took light 2.5 million years to leave from there and get to your eye-balls today, so the light you are seeing is 2.5 million years older then what may be the present light there. If you multiply 2.5 million X 5.88 trillion miles (the distance light travels in a year) then you would learn how far away they think the Andromeda Galaxy is in miles. Our Sun is also lagging by @ 8 minutes because that is how long it takes light in the present to reach your same eyeballs here, but do not look at the Sun without the proper filters. When you look at a planet with even your naked eye-balls again, the light left the planet some hours ago depending on how far away it is when you look at it. The orbits are mainly circular but still they are not but elongated so the distance varies. That all can be looked up though on the Internet probably under Astronomy, the oldest science known. Ever since humans have been on this Planet, there have been humans looking up at the night sky, even the Moon.
