Time travel, theory


Hello, recently i was thinking about time travel and special relativity. We all know the relativistic time dilation formula. This means that if you wanted to travel to the future you must achieve a speed near the speed of light. This is a demonstrated assumption , so its hypotetically simple to travel into the future, just speed up as much as you can. Now consider this, suppose that your atoms could be made disappear, and reappear after say, 100 years , you basically time travelled, but what if you wanted to travel to the past ? this should be impossible, correct ?? well, after seeing the formulas and related graphs, its evident there is an asympotic curve near the constant c, if you pass that 'impossible' point the curve slows down until it reaches the end, its basically an asympthotical cuspid ( cuspide asintotica ), if you change the sign of the 'm' constat you have a mirrored diagram, so baiscally to travel to the past you should be made of negative mass. We know that the universe is fractal, so if you create a macroscopic object with features comparable to elementary particles the larger object should behave in the same way. So if we charge an object with electrons, and speed it up, approaching the speed of light it shoud go back in time.
This remind me of a factoid I read many years ago, where a group of scientist were able to create a time portal creating a rotating magnetic file 'activated' by electrons beamed by a laser , if the rotation was clockwise you travelled into the future ( or past cannot rememebr correctly ) and viceversa if you counterrotated the magnetic field you would have traveleed into the past. The laser was used to focus in the center of the rotating magnetic field to 'open it up' and, according tho the scientist the sound was similar to the sound of a waterfall. What do you think about that guys, write down in the comments down below, like,share and subscribe.


I always thought traveling faster than the speed of light would take you to the past. You are arriving at the beginning of the light source. I am thinking of the Big Bang and the new telescopes out there. We're getting closer to seeing how it all started. Correct me if I'm wrong.
