Debate Time Travel - Timeline Question


Junior Member
So I am wondering about one thing about Timetravel:

So lets say for example that a person goes back in time tells his/her`s younger self to take the road to the right instead of the left and the younger he/she version changes therefor the path to the right.
Would "you" who is from the future who travels back to the original time traveling point of origin be back on the original timeline but with a different outcome in life (because of the change in course of action)?
Or would you end up being on a new timeline?
Or would you simply be back on the original timeline without having seen any changes whatsoever?

The reason why I am asking this question is because I remember Andrew Basiago said he and his time travel team traveled back to the U.S revolution and warned Washington about the coming British.
Well if that`s the case then wouldn't the change in the past be still be a part of the original timeline??

(English is not my first language, didn't really know how to properly ask this question)


I believe that there are many, many parallel universes, and that time travel (if it exists) is merely travel to an alternate universe, therefore the consequences do not affect this universe.

However, there are a lot of folks here who disagree with this view, and I'm sure they will make themselves heard before long. Just be patient.

Take care.

(By the way, for someone whose primary language is not English, I think you expressed yourself very well.)


Senior Member
I believe that there are many, many parallel universes, and that time travel (if it exists) is merely travel to an alternate universe, therefore the consequences do not affect this universe.

However, there are a lot of folks here who disagree with this view, and I'm sure they will make themselves heard before long. Just be patient.

Take care.

(By the way, for someone whose primary language is not English, I think you expressed yourself very well.)

I agree with you regarding the Parallel Universes, and also our new member certainly does have a good grasp of the English language! (y)..


So I am wondering about one thing about Timetravel:

So lets say for example that a person goes back in time tells his/her`s younger self to take the road to the right instead of the left and the younger he/she version changes therefor the path to the right.
Would "you" who is from the future who travels back to the original time traveling point of origin be back on the original timeline but with a different outcome in life (because of the change in course of action)?
Or would you end up being on a new timeline?
Or would you simply be back on the original timeline without having seen any changes whatsoever?

The reason why I am asking this question is because I remember Andrew Basiago said he and his time travel team traveled back to the U.S revolution and warned Washington about the coming British.
Well if that`s the case then wouldn't the change in the past be still be a part of the original timeline??

(English is not my first language, didn't really know how to properly ask this question)

Agreed on the parallel universes front. Technically, if someone travels back in time and steps on a bug, this action will likely create an alternate universe to which the traveller would return because the bug would not have been squished but for the traveller traveling back in time. I guess the alternate theory here is based on fate if you believe in a linear timeline where the traveller was always meant to travel back in time to squish that bug so there is no affect to the timeline to which s/he returns.


New Member
So I am wondering about one thing about Timetravel:

So lets say for example that a person goes back in time tells his/her`s younger self to take the road to the right instead of the left and the younger he/she version changes therefor the path to the right.
Would "you" who is from the future who travels back to the original time traveling point of origin be back on the original timeline but with a different outcome in life (because of the change in course of action)?
Or would you end up being on a new timeline?
Or would you simply be back on the original timeline without having seen any changes whatsoever?

The reason why I am asking this question is because I remember Andrew Basiago said he and his time travel team traveled back to the U.S revolution and warned Washington about the coming British.
Well if that`s the case then wouldn't the change in the past be still be a part of the original timeline??

(English is not my first language, didn't really know how to properly ask this question)
Actually if u meet your own self, it would have a bad effect on the timelines, especially on the existance of yourself... and if some one does go and someone tell his past self for taking a different road, then as per the grandpa paradox.. it shouldnt affect the present/Original timeline but it would have an adverse effect on the parallel universes created by the choice of your old self... thus destroying the original time line that would have taken place in the time where you traveled to due to the creation of new parallel universes i.e. new choices(Small choices makes large differences as per the butterfly effect so changing a decision would have a huge impact on that time lines future)
If the present you who had visited the past decides to come back to the timeline where he belongs i.e. the original timeline... what i think is that the decision of you going back in time is what that will affect the present timeline and creating an new timeline which is way too similar to the original but isnt the original timeline... (named as O1). The fact that you told the past you to take a different road isnt what that would affect your own timeline but the time travel would
if your past self has a time line named O2.. and now the present you is having a timeline of O1... those would become the original timeline for the past and the future you respectively and maybe (As shown in sci-Fi movies) if time travel does take place again in a different parallel universe, those would be similar to the O2 and O1 respectively but with minor differences that wouldnt afffect the choices resulting into a larger effect(For example a choice that you would take to travel to past to change some decision taken by your past self not same as the one taken by the original you for changing the decision of the past you for choosing a different road)
Some other decision(resulting to a larger result) would affect the time lines of the parallel universes that were close to O1 and O2

P.s. im just expressing my views, pardon me if im wrong somewhere!


Actually if u meet your own self, it would have a bad effect on the timelines, especially on the existance of yourself

Two strands of thought here: (1) You meet your past/future self and you melt upon touching yourself because two people can't be in the same place at the same time or (2) You and your past/future self are actually two different people in many respects (age, growth rate, kickass goatee, etc.) and nothing happens when you see/touch each other so you just grab a beer and watch the rest of the world melt away.

Either way: something is melting.


Junior Member
Thank you all for your kind words and your answers. I hope more people on this forum will write their theoretical answers about time travel timelines.

Have an awesome time traveling weekend everyone!


Senior Member
My theory is that other people's theories about multiple universes and whatnot is a so much moonshine. We really are in a kind of dark age. American physics is just doing applied philosophy at this point. It's not real science. At least the Europeans are still doing actual physics. But for how much longer?


New Member
One possibility is that you can't change the past to a timeline that contradicts the one you are in. The thing preventing it is quantum randomness.

If you kill your grandfather, then you don't get born and don't kill your grandfather, right?

So what happens? One timeline emerged where you get a time machine and kill your grandfather. A second timeline was created when he died, leading to you not killing him. A third timeline was created when you didn't kill him.

You would think the third timeline would be identical to the first. However, if quantum events are truly random then naturally it won't be. The random stuff will happen differently.

Maybe, as luck has it, you still kill your grandfather, creating 2 more timelines (one where he dies and one where he doesn't.)

Fine, but if that happens, we're into a second reroll. And there will be a third, fourth, fifth.......... maybe even a billionth.

But eventually one of these rerolls will lead to a self consistent timeline. And that will be the final version of history. (And the only one you, I, or anyone else can remember.)
