Time Travel Tourists


Senior Member
Perhaps an interesting objection to time travel is the relative dearth of Time Travel Tourists in our own era. For example, there were not millions of time travellers in 1969 to see the rocket Apollo 11 or to see the Wright Bros in 1903 even.

Let me explain the process. How many of you know the year Vikings landed in america. This information is common knowledge in norway. Also, how many of you dream of going to 396 AD to see the birth of Petronius Maximus - a roman emperor. He was quite important in his era.

Basically, the United States does not exist in the future and people do not care. Debunkers have a very narrow view. They do not understand what a real time traveller would want to see.

A person claiming to be a time traveller told me that a place to see a TT is an airport as seeing jets is a real treat for us. There are no jets in the future as people use teleporters and jets are very noisy. Therefore, it is an attraction that is limited to our era.

