Time Travel update


Senior Member
Unfortunately it is.
Trump now has access to the main ruling galactic council. I don't have to explain this he just simply is. Who would have thought this possible, from Marla Maples to a seat for the Earth district on the Galactic Council.


Senior Member
That mean you vote for him 😂
When they redid the Superman story into a movie, people did not know what to make of it. Technically this person would have had to come from an extra dense star system. They would have to be thousands of years ahead of Earth. But the abilities exhibited as a boy learning from Earthling culture placed him way ahead of other humans.

It would be nice if we had friends like Superman. I thought this was a great movie, because it asked the question, what if an unselfish alien who really did care about Earth humans, accepting them at the own face value existed? I guess you could say the possibilities were endless.


Active Member
When they redid the Superman story into a movie, people did not know what to make of it. Technically this person would have had to come from an extra dense star system. They would have to be thousands of years ahead of Earth. But the abilities exhibited as a boy learning from Earthling culture placed him way ahead of other humans.

It would be nice if we had friends like Superman. I thought this was a great movie, because it asked the question, what if an unselfish alien who really did care about Earth humans, accepting them at the own face value existed? I guess you could say the possibilities were endless.
Silly you I just playing around with you
