Time Travel

bobby harris

New Member
hi all i want to just say that this room is a place where i can ask a question and i feel at least a bit comfortable about it with confidence, i want to start off i did post at is time really possible but will explain a little bit here. i am a civil war reenactor honoring my ancestor who fought the yankees in 1862 and i was planning to try time travel back in time to meet him and be there for the event that happened at that time, i know there has been reports that there is strange things happen on original battlefields where civil war reenactors have encoutered surroundings have changed and saw the real soldiers fighting with real bullets etc. and they were transported back in time this was in bentonville NC one man has that experience now i did hear while reenactors reenact the civil war real soldiers have appeared and cant explain that, some reenactors have vanished in thick smoke from cannons and never seen again they walked in the smoke and when it cleared they were gone, i heard about that but for me. i am trying to go to the year 1861 where my great great grandfather is and his wife on the plantation. here in NC since i know i am his descendant.someone asked me one time what if he ask me to stay with them then i shook a little bit and said yeah had not thought not thought of that, i thought oh well i might as well stay there with them and not come back thats my plan. i really want to do this. i dont know who can help me do this or who i can trust to help me and do it to go to that year, how? well thats what i want to do, for real no joke glad to be here thought too


Hello there, welcome to Paranormalis!

I think a topic was posted about civil war reenactment less than a year ago, it has to be somewhere. For how long have you been thinking about time travel?

Thanks for joining this community, enjoy the place! :)

bobby harris

New Member
i was thinking about time travel for a long time now and still am trying to find ways to do it or whatever

bobby harris

New Member
well one was online how to time travel to the past and that was the only thing i could get to so far and didnt find much online as they dont always post things on the internet. but i certainly would like to try going back to the year 1861 right here in North Carolina where the family is, i know they are there but need to turn time backwards and like reverse time back or to just go back in time physically, to be really there. some people be careful what i wish for because that will happen and i ll get what i wish for. oh well i am wishing it. so i need to find ways that will take me back in time. to be there
