Time traveling through the usage of Ayahuasca, Yopo and indigenous knowledge


Junior Member
First of all,this is not my experience.It is shared by a user on Reddit.

I have a question.
What I want to know is
Has anyone here traveled to the future with the help of ancestral medicines or some other method, device? Please share if you have, what did you experience, see there?

I have experienced it, and many of my shaman teachers have as well, but we the Cofan, the Piaroa, the indigenous people keep this as a secret. Mainly because people will not believe or understand us. And there is a lack of English speakers as well. We speak Piaroa, Cofan, Quechua and Spanish. My teachers tell me to forget what I saw, to never speak about it to non medicine practitioners.

I time traveled with the help of yopo, not once but many times. For us, this is our physical medium/machine ourselves, our bodies and the plant. The proof we have is to share the plant with you as well, so you can experience it at some point as well.

I've gone to a time where technology wasn't as developed, to a time/moment where war, physical violence was present, and to a time in the future where everything is very advanced and technological/computerized so to say, all in that same order.

1-The first experience into the past felt peaceful, a place where I want to live in, with indigenous huts, water from rivers, trees everywhere, construction, people living naked and with small pieces of cloth, made from animal, plants and insects, I was in a prehistoric version of the Amazon forest. I was there Reliving the simplicity of life. Women were naked, a guy was pooping in front of me. And others eating around a fire. An old man was cooking ayahuasca a few meters ahead. This was good.

2- Then 2 months later I took more yopo, and I had an experience where I was in the middle of a war, suffering from severe injuries, my body was in very deep pain, I couldn't get up from the floor, I was bleeding out while men with swords and armors were approaching me, all I could do was run, until I got stabbed , thrusted with a sword in my belly and I died, the amount of panic I was feeling was immense, I spent a lot of months in fear, and crying after experiencing such event, and visions, when I got stabbed I remembered eating insects to become stronger, training physically in absurd/inhuman ways in order to protect my family from these long bearded invaders. They wanted to rape the women, to kill and enslave the weak men.

3- In my 3rd experience it was even more clear, and lucid. This experience is the one that scares me the most.
This time I was in the future. In a house, but I couldn't go anywhere, because the roads were blocked and special permits were needed to go out, earth is over populated in this time, there are flying cars everywhere from the window, immediately some men with helmets speaking a very alien language come inside, and they take me by force inside a flying car. A woman and a man, they nod yes with their heads from outside, telling me to trust, to go, in the journey through the car, I saw huge blue barriers that are preventing people from going out of areas, everyone is clumped up together, inside parks, streets , houses, physical work is replaced with machines, there are robots that appear to look human, doing everything, the food is delivered to the areas and distributed there, and people pay only with electronic devices that are attached to the wrists and cannot be removed, most people seem to work with technology at home since nobody is allowed to go far away or anywhere. Trees are present, but they are very scarce yet the sky is very very blue and bright almost white with just 1-2 clouds. When they took me out of the car, I was taken into what seems like a big bus/train with many other people. And we drove through very dark tunnels, when we got out we got taken to a garden, the grass was very green, and there we were forming lines on a part that had concrete, inside of us we had micro chips inserted through our eyes or ears/cochlea and I was already hearing voices, commands telling me what to do inside of my brain.
"Please remain calm, do not walk out of the line or you will face consequences"

"Remember to enjoy the fresh and clean air and to work with fellow patriots"
And so on

Until there everything seemed fine.
Then, suddenly. A man stepped out of the line, immediately with unhuman reflexes and speed, one of the officers with helmet SHOT the guy!! But not with a bullet, with a laser beam! A laser gun!! That pierced through the front of his leg all the way towards the back and still continued piercing the cement, smoke was coming out of the floor and the leg, the guy was yelling and shouting in pain, yet nobody moved!! A strong shocking sensation came inside of me, sort of like freezing/paralyzing me completely, all of us, the officer removes the helmet and reveals its identity to us, it was an alien!! With a very wooden like face, and it would stare at us and paralyze us with a strange force, at will.
When I reached the end of the line, I saw people getting injected and being touched in the head. they injected me with a red liquid, and implanted a new chip into my eye, they told me to go and lay in the grass and continue sleeping and so I did. The man and the woman who noded at me appeared, and after I simply woke up from the trance.

I was in deep fear once I came back to my senses. And I haven't stopped thinking about this experience /dream ever since it happened in 2022. Life is a dream, but I need help to stop thinking about it.
My other question is, could someone help me to stop thinking about it so much?

I see how we are tricked into money, consumption, vaccines and chips and in this future after inducing us for so many years, slavery, money, chips, and vaccines, we are now being forced into it. Us from the indigenous tribes we only know about trading, farming very few shamans actually go out to give medicine for money. Most of us are ignorant about books and the world. Yet I feel slavery will be legal in the future just as I have seen in my trance/travel.

I know I might be seen as a crazy wild person, for saying all of this, and that perhaps no one will understand me. No psychiatric or psychological approach may help me.

I know this might get taken down, but I'm willing to rephrase it in another subreddit about ancestral medicine itself. Thank you whomever is reading, I'm sorry for not giving the explanation you scientists want about time travel. But I am a neurologist, botanist, we have our own understanding about existence and life through this plant medicine. Through botanics. For now I can't stop thinking about this or suffering for certain things, but someday I will heal.
The End
What you all think about that?Anyone heard of that?
I do self hypnosis with no illegal drugs or hallucinogens. I feel rested after time traveling via teleportation to Cahokia before St. Louis was thought up in late 1600’s to 1700’s. There were a few people who have been teleported before and the monks who tend to teleport keep it mostly a secret.

It’s not what it looks like on tv . There was a hut that glowed with fire on the mound and I was sleeping with blankets on the burial mound. And it flashed back to the present time. It’s like a screen but more realistic with flashes. Except it occurred at noon during one of the naps.

I tried to replicate it but as of yet, others were dreams or Deja vu.

I do self hypnosis with no illegal drugs or hallucinogens. I feel rested after time traveling via teleportation to Cahokia before St. Louis was thought up in late 1600’s to 1700’s. There were a few people who have been teleported before and the monks who tend to teleport keep it mostly a secret.

It’s not what it looks like on tv . There was a hut that glowed with fire on the mound and I was sleeping with blankets on the burial mound. And it flashed back to the present time. It’s like a screen but more realistic with flashes. Except it occurred at noon during one of the naps.

I tried to replicate it but as of yet, others were dreams or Deja vu.

I believe I've astral traveled a few times but it's never voluntary for me.
I have no say in it whatsoever.
