Time Traveller Found On An Old Charlie Chaplin Film From 1928


Senior Member
It's not a cell phone. There were no towers in 1928, let alone anyone else to talk to. If you look at the link I posted right under the initial post you'll see this:


Blammo; hearing aid circa 1928.

Yes, it looks like she's lolling with her friends on an iPhone 4G, but come on. Just because at first glance it appears to be something out of the ordinary doesn't mean it is. She's probably talking or moving her mouth to get it situated and comfortable.

We see a three second clip from 1928 of someone talking into a little box and our first thought is "OH MY LORD IT'S MARTY MCFLY!"? This is a prime example of why this entire genre of discussion is mocked the way it is. How about applying a little critical thinking and, you know, maybe even the scientific method to peculiar things like this?


Have you guys seen this clip ?

Just fast-forward to 3:00 to see the actual footage. It's been on the Internet for a few days now, I didn't have time to watch it until now. Enjoy :)

I've seen this footage on YouTube a while ago. Ps i LOVE Charlie
