Time Travellers

walt willis

Senior Member
Hi I am new here, Are there actually any time travellers on here or is it all a myth?
I was given secret info back in 1965 about alien technology and time travel from my teacher that was the brother-in-law of Phil Corso.

I kept that a secret until I was sure he passed away in 2012.

Phil's son gave a good interview back in 2018:


Senior Member
I was given secret info back in 1965 about alien technology and time travel from my teacher that was the brother-in-law of Phil Corso.

I kept that a secret until I was sure he passed away in 2012.

Phil's son gave a good interview back in 2018:
From 8 minutes into the video and Phil Corso Junior has already effectively hinted that the Moon landings of the 1970s never happened, and NASA knows it!!

steven chiverton

Senior Member
hey brother time flipper the earths resonance isn't always at 7.83 hertz its changing

steven chiverton

Senior Member
the roswell link was awesome if filled in some unanserwed qestions about the mystierious black crafts ive captured on camera with cmos technology and why they flick in and out of rfeality when i filmed these invisible to the naked eye crafts but not invisible to high speed videoing with cmos sensor technology and slow motion replay

Doc 05

Active Member
Hi I am new here, Are there actually any time travellers on here or is it all a myth?
Hi Matt, welcome

Your question is common and the quick answer is yes; but what is your definition of a "time traveler"?

Time travel: future or past, physical, mental, or astral, portal or vortex, quantum or hyper-dimensional.

Take a look through the posts, use the search function (upper right) and type in anything you have heard about time travel and you will probably find a post on it.

What brought you here and how did you find us?
Where are you at n the UK, been to Stonehenge, seen any crop circles?
Are you trying to time travel?

Again, welcome and have fun.
