Time versus Brain


Senior Member
Words related to time are processed in the brain's right angular gyrus. I wonder about the effect time travel has on the cerebral cortex, like seeing people walking around that died long ago. Perhaps, that is what makes the effect so unsettling to us.

The brain's right precentral sulcus responds to numbers, like what decade you are in. Spatial temporal words activate in the brain various regions. They are not the same in every person. Actually, scientists have noticed a preponderance of evidence that each brain is unique. This was done using functional magnetic resonance imaging.

I wonder what the future wil bring us. Only time will tell, but we are off on an amazing journey.


Active Member
That's why in neuroscience; these studies are statistical and not factual. I've read lots of papers in the neurosciences and the problem is they are all limited in population control studies when replicated many times over.

It's all statistical.
