

Lately I feel very very tired,

My spiritual self is tired... I feel like all the sleep in the world will not be enough.

I realized at this point that I have depleted all my energy and since I can't really afford "time away" nor can afford going back to my old ways of alcohol and the like.

Inadvertently I entered into a deep sleep, a very deep sleep. So deep that I couldn't wake up. I knew I was sleeping but I couldn't wake myself at all. Slowly my mind entered the dreamworld with my consciousness fully aware that I am dreaming but cannot stop it. I focused hard to stop bad things from entering my mind while in this state.

Any attack now from any demonic entity and I am done for. So I slowly focused on the surrounding darkens made it as bright. Then I focused on standing on grass. I felt the grass beneath my feet. I focused on the sky being sunny and clear. It became sunny and clear. I focused on a piano and one appeared. I focused on a willow tree next to the piano. It speared.

I walked towards the piano and sat down before it. slowly my hands felt the coolness of each smooth key. I visualized the piano to be made of glass. This way I can see the inside of it. how each hammer strikes the wires within.

I focused on the smell of the sea and the coolness around me. I started to play the piano like I did when I was very little. Each note perfect each sound as sweet and pure as the one before.

Playing louder and louder I realized the sound was all around me. I felt my heart beating to the rhythm and I felt my blood rushing trough my body. My skin lit up like the sun and I felt my energy slowly returning. Striking the keys softer I played music that I haven't heard before. The piano's glass broke and it was simply supported by air...

Then I woke up... In the real world in my bed I felt a rush of energy like I am being electrocuted. I sat upright and took a deep breath. Adrenaline rushed trough my brain and body and I was awake. Truly awake.

This burst of energy sadly didn't last long... I am tired again so very tired... My brain is asking me why I made the choice to wake-up? I have no answer... I am tired again so very tired.

steven chiverton

Senior Member
sounds like your energy is being drained by a succubus's that feeds of your energy you may want to try the mind sheild helmut to block out the negative alien influences that can also invade your mind


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Senior Member
Find peace in your soul, you can sleep all you want but so long as your soul is tired you'll never rest.

For me i have happy places, Camping, Traveling, just being outside away from the drain that is modern civilization, where your phone doesn't work and no one is near you, that is how i recharge.

One of my favorite things to do, and it may seem odd is out here in the great American South West, we have "pull offs" so large areas on the side of the road for people to pull over and sleep or do whatever, and one of the most freeing things for me is on a road trip, pull over to one of these that's off the beaten path and do a road shower, and just get ready for the rest of the drive, something about it wakes me up more than anything!

Finding a place where you can just stand there and smile, where the warmth of the earth and sun touches you differently, find that place, and your soul can rest for a bit.


Active Member
Lately I feel very very tired,

My spiritual self is tired... I feel like all the sleep in the world will not be enough.

I realized at this point that I have depleted all my energy and since I can't really afford "time away" nor can afford going back to my old ways of alcohol and the like.

Inadvertently I entered into a deep sleep, a very deep sleep. So deep that I couldn't wake up. I knew I was sleeping but I couldn't wake myself at all. Slowly my mind entered the dreamworld with my consciousness fully aware that I am dreaming but cannot stop it. I focused hard to stop bad things from entering my mind while in this state.

Any attack now from any demonic entity and I am done for. So I slowly focused on the surrounding darkens made it as bright. Then I focused on standing on grass. I felt the grass beneath my feet. I focused on the sky being sunny and clear. It became sunny and clear. I focused on a piano and one appeared. I focused on a willow tree next to the piano. It speared.

I walked towards the piano and sat down before it. slowly my hands felt the coolness of each smooth key. I visualized the piano to be made of glass. This way I can see the inside of it. how each hammer strikes the wires within.

I focused on the smell of the sea and the coolness around me. I started to play the piano like I did when I was very little. Each note perfect each sound as sweet and pure as the one before.

Playing louder and louder I realized the sound was all around me. I felt my heart beating to the rhythm and I felt my blood rushing trough my body. My skin lit up like the sun and I felt my energy slowly returning. Striking the keys softer I played music that I haven't heard before. The piano's glass broke and it was simply supported by air...

Then I woke up... In the real world in my bed I felt a rush of energy like I am being electrocuted. I sat upright and took a deep breath. Adrenaline rushed trough my brain and body and I was awake. Truly awake.

This burst of energy sadly didn't last long... I am tired again so very tired... My brain is asking me why I made the choice to wake-up? I have no answer... I am tired again so very tired.
Don't be tired take some energy pill try bcomplex


I feel like a NPC in a video game, it is like my potential is != true and my tiredness is a constant == true. It feels like my thoughts are being rewritten with every update and it feels like God just doesn't know what to do with me.

I am deeply spiritual and highly technical at the same time, I say this not to get some ego kick but because I am trying to understand what is pushing back on me, what force is acting so harshly on my soul.

The world and everything in it hates me hurts me and want to see me burn and fall, I take comfort that I am not the first as my religion told me that my God was hated by this world long before air filled the lungs of those before me.

Imagine how special each of us are, we are the genetic result of a moment in time when two energies the masculine and the feminine became as hone. We are planned from day one to exist because I don't believe in randomness or chance. Each of us exist because we NEED to exist. Our paths no matter how long or how short they are was planned to the second. Each atom in our brain was made to be there at that point in time.

How magical is this thing called life, how wonderfully it is designed. Pattern after pattern, movement after movement, energy filled every moment before now to make now possible. Imagine what mind is created all of this how absolutely amazing it is.

Now why do I feel so defeated, why is my energy so low, why can't I push past my default programming. Energy upon energy created new life and that life created more life and eventually gave life to us. Th breath of God is within each of us. There is no other explanation there is ONLY the soul that animate and binds the body and mind to spirit and being. It is spectacular and I should be grateful to be alive, living feeling and knowing that this is special that this life is special.

why do I feel so bad all the time when I have so much to be grateful for. Every masculine and feminine energy before me lives in me, ALL of my being was made from them. Every atom, every thought is possible because God allowed for it.

WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME... I see into the darkness and I know the light is within me, I know I am alive, living, breathing, thinking in short this soul must know that the body and mind must push on.

I think it is time to turn myself off and back on again, give the mind a moment to clear and refresh. In short I need to book myself in for sleep therapy...

God is not done with me I know this because I am still alive, maybe God needs me to open my eyes again.
