Titor Related. Could you please tell me what you think?


Exactly, I have seen cases where a death threat has been over 1 post. Its stupid how people do that over a (sort of) simple and whats supposed to be a civilised discussion. Time travel always make people bad as well in my experiences.

Yes. This is why people who know things aren't straightforward. Who can you really trust?


What I find ultimately sad in this whole story of the titors: people look to it as solely a scientific marvel, when bible prophecy is unfolding literally all around us. Have you ever seen two people step forward with things we can not know, as a warning to us all of the future we are creating? This was told in the bible. Two prophets step forward and warn the entire world.

This is precisely why there is a theory that these "prophets" were Titor related....i.e....time travelers affected the writing of the Bible.
Speculation, of course..
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They can be, if you understand the higher science is actually love, which encompasses the component of faith.

Off topic again. Sorry. God is the universe. There are multiple universes, thus multiple Gods or multiple copies of God. The universe is God's consciousness. Prophets are manifestations of God's consciousness, placed one whichever planet the God chooses.
Infinity + 1. Perhaps these Gods communicate with eachother.

(Maybe I should start a new thread).

Ethan Titor --- not discussed much. Could just be someone being creative. I'll check his Gematria values just in case, though.


Active Member
I believe the best way to keep us all safe, is to be in the open. Honest about our experiences, who we are, our intentions and our lives. In this aspect, people really get to know us and can watch with us the craziness that we endure from others. As well, it is then documented so if something does happen, there is a record that can be provided in court. It is the best way that we can watch over each other at this point. While we do not travel through time, just the happenstance of our contact with John leaves us vulnerable. And when in such a state, it is better to come together than to be on our own and alone. Placing these things in the light with truth is the only real way of fighting back, with hope of a peaceful outcome than otherwise.

I respectfully disagree. I was too open and put myself in a dangerous situation and had to involve authorities.
People don't realize how crazy and violent people can become over the topic of time travel. Once you place yourself into the subculture,
there will be at least one whacko waiting there for you, with more to follow. It's really bizarre how some topics people will debate with no
issues, but time travel brings out the worst in people and I don't know why.

Interesting yes. But, I think it naïve not to consider that we are already being watched over, considering the magnitude of the project itself. I believe the project involves following us through out our lives to verify and prove the results of the project. Or possibly, to verify the validity of the bible in todays times, following certain key players. I know for fact that when absolutely necessary, those who are watching over us will step in to protect us. Or maybe, such has just been my experience? I don't know. I do know that I feel safer because of what has been done for myself and children. I know that it is better to "clear the air" and be in the open, because that is what has been advised. And, I trust the titor foundation with my life. They have already proven to me that they are trustworthy of such.

Titor wasn't paranoid. He was cautious. There is a difference. And, he was protecting me. He wanted to make sure I was safe until this time period, when it was time for me to be in the open. If you remember correctly, I was the one left in the dark for 11 years. Then the surprise came and it took me a year to fully grasp all of it. Going on 13 years in September... He wanted to make sure I locked my doors and was cognizant of my surroundings while being in the dark about everything. Which, these are things people should automatically do anyways in our current society.

I probably should have clarified what I meant, what is simply just being cautious is classified as being paranoid in present day because of newspeak and brainwashing. (Like 1984) Although when you say that people watching us will protect us, that is true for loved ones / friends, but those who always watch us, whom being the government, won't do anything outside their interest to protect us... Did Titor say why now of all times to be open or did he just say it was important?

They can be, if you understand the higher science is actually love, which encompasses the component of faith.

Off topic again. Sorry. God is the universe. There are multiple universes, thus multiple Gods or multiple copies of God. The universe is God's consciousness. Prophets are manifestations of God's consciousness, placed one whichever planet the God chooses.
Infinity + 1. Perhaps these Gods communicate with eachother.

(Maybe I should start a new thread).

Ethan Titor --- not discussed much. Could just be someone being creative. I'll check his Gematria values just in case, though.

Speaking of God being the universe, has anyone heard of the Millennium simulation? It is basically a simulation of the entire universe since the big bang. The one thing that is interesting is that the outcome of the simulation shows an almost identical formation of that of a brain's neural network. Might be nothing, but I thought I should mention it:


The god for each universe could be like the Holy Trinity in ours. I was thinking that instead of only communication, they are the same god, but are separate entities.

Jean-Luc Picard

New Member
If onesix knew john titor than I am the captain of a starship that has traveled back in time from the 24th century after slingshoting around the sun to prevent a race of cybernetic boogie men from enslaving the human race......


If onesix knew john titor than I am the captain of a starship that has traveled back in time from the 24th century after slingshoting around the sun to prevent a race of cybernetic boogie men from enslaving the human race......

Can I have a ride in your ship? Your technology is different from my planets'.


Active Member
If oneasideew john titor than I am the captain of a starship that has traveled back in time from the 24th century after slingshoting around the sun to prevent a race of cybernetic boogie men from enslaving the human race......

How powerful are the computers on your starship? Sarcasm aside, it is possible for a person to know someone famous its just in this case less likely, but still genuinely possible. Its even possible that onesix's Titor wasn't the same one that did the posts.
