Titors prediction of Mad Cow Disease epidemic (Prion diseases)


Yikes i only just found this although it happened a couple of months ago - AstraZeneca (Big COVID vaccine producer) head of Oncology R&D died of CJD (Prion/Mad Cow disease) according to Spanish news reports.

José Baselga, a storied oncology researcher and pharmaceutical executive whose discoveries helped pave the way for new breast cancer therapies, died Sunday at the age of 61.

His death was confirmed by AstraZeneca, where Baselga had been serving as executive vice president for research and development in oncology. The company did not provide a cause of death; the Spanish newspaper La Vanguardia reported it was Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, a rare brain infection that causes degeneration and death.

To further prove that claim see that his daughter is running a gofundme campaign in his honour to raise money for CJD research!

Should note that at the current time it is very, very rare to die from prion disease/CJD as it is something that usually takes a few years to develop, but if the R&D research head had been exposed to prions in the lab a few years ago while experimenting that would explain his death from it.
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Senior Member
Yikes i only just found this although it happened a couple of months ago - AstraZeneca (Big COVID vaccine producer) head of Oncology R&D died of CJD (Prion/Mad Cow disease) according to Spanish news reports.

To further prove that claim see that his daughter is running a gofundme campaign in his honour to raise money for CJD research!

Should note that at the current time it is very, very rare to die from prion disease/CJD as it is something that usually takes a few years to develop, but if the R&D research head had been exposed to prions in the lab a few years ago while experimenting that would explain his death from it.
I did a quick research into CJD and discovered that as soon as the symptoms manifest there is a rapid deterioration mentally and physically, and the person is dead within 1 to 2 years, which brought me to believe that CJD was responsible for the death of Jose Baselga...

Baselga joined AstraZeneca on January 1st 2019, which sadly would have been the time frame in which his CJD symptoms began, but obviously they would not have been reported upon..


Have not gone through every single VAERS report but here’s one of a woman that had CJD (and visual impairment) just two days after Moderna booster.

Patient was healthy at time of booster.Maybe some people are affected faster than others but very scary nonetheless.

On 25-Jan-2022, the patient received third dose of mRNA-1273 (Spikevax) (unknown route) 1 dosage form. On 27-Jan-2022, the patient experienced VISUAL IMPAIRMENT (blurred vision) (seriousness criterion medically significant) and CREUTZFELDT-JAKOB DISEASE (Creutzfeld-Jakob) (seriousness criterion hospitalization). At the time of the report, VISUAL IMPAIRMENT (blurred vision) and CREUTZFELDT-JAKOB DISEASE (Creutzfeld-Jakob) had not resolved.


Senior Member
Have not gone through every single VAERS report but here’s one of a woman that had CJD (and visual impairment) just two days after Moderna booster.

Patient was healthy at time of booster.Maybe some people are affected faster than others but very scary nonetheless.

On 25-Jan-2022, the patient received third dose of mRNA-1273 (Spikevax) (unknown route) 1 dosage form. On 27-Jan-2022, the patient experienced VISUAL IMPAIRMENT (blurred vision) (seriousness criterion medically significant) and CREUTZFELDT-JAKOB DISEASE (Creutzfeld-Jakob) (seriousness criterion hospitalization). At the time of the report, VISUAL IMPAIRMENT (blurred vision) and CREUTZFELDT-JAKOB DISEASE (Creutzfeld-Jakob) had not resolved.
Yeah noted.


New study confirms Covid infection (infection or Vax or combination?) Vastly increases rate of prions disease, alzheimers and other neuro diseases.

Multiple independent epidemiological and clinical studies further indicate that SARS-CoV-2 infection and “long COVID” strongly correlate with the onset of progressive neurological disturbances that include Alzheimer's disease (AD), prion disease (PrD) and other neurodegenerative disorders


Senior Member
New study confirms Covid infection (infection or Vax or combination?) Vastly increases rate of prions disease, alzheimers and other neuro diseases.

Yes this is correct, it's because there's raw bat virus in that mixed said Proto vaccine formula out of the Wuhan lab. It actually affects one's herpes balance as that's what's in covid.

This is why I wonder if Titor's telling wasn't either a paralell reality by chance or soething the mil services for some reason didn't cook up. Very simply put on covid, it was a dickered with virus and if they would have tweaked it one way or the other it could have killed us all off.

What is why what I've said here about Titor being true is not such a big har har' joke.


It was confirmed that the COVID19 virus was lab altered/created and accidentally leaked. It wasn't some anomaly from eating diseased exotic creatures, although that is still a risk, that even japan is taking part of with eating newly discovered anthropoids as a type of delicacy. However, the risk is more or less localized to heavy metal poisoning since they are bottom feeders. Regardless, there wasn't a widespread outbreak of mad cow disease, and the disease has been known to exist since the 1940's. Any localized outbreak has been quickly contained and the widespread market wasn't affected. John stated he was scared of eating any junk or fast food, since it was highly processed. In fact, most of our food is processed in some way. He was an avid consumer of fresh organics. Supposedly born in 1998, you'd think he had some exposure to the diet we are normally accustomed to.

Look at all of John's story with the book his mother compiled, suggests that John was here multiple times from different 'worldlines' as he called them. "A Time Traveler's Tale - John Titor" is basically a book compiled of online posts and discussions. There are grammatical errors, spelling errors, etc. but we can overlook this due to the lack of systematic education in the future he came from, due to the war(s) and inevitable governmental overhauls. The main takeaway is that while you travel through space-time there is a divergence factor, which accommodates the fact you can't run into paradoxes. There is no such thing as "time travel" with a zero divergence factor. A divergence is a % of difference between the timeline you arrive on and the timeline you've come from. Given this fact, it is literally impossible to time travel and change your own timeline. Therefore, if you time travel, you will NEVER be able to "go back home" as it were. You could arrive close to home with a minuscule divergence percentage, but it can never be zero. That's why if you go back in time and meet yourself, it's not a paradox. If the observers of universe (or world) 'A' saw you time travel and leave... if you did come back, it wouldn't be "you" from world 'A' it would be "you" from world 'A.x' which means you time traveled in multiple universes and one of you arrived back home, but it wouldn't be the EXACT same you. If the divergence factor was low enough, it would be difficult to tell you were different or the place you arrived at was different from the one you originated at. Let's say you travel to the past and your divergence factor was... 5%. Perhaps Coca Cola's official color would be blue instead of red. Say you went back and the divergence factor was 50%. Maybe Hitler didn't take political power and WWII didn't occur.

Given the fact John was here in 2000/2001 for personal reasons and it occurred multiple times, suggests his divergence could have been enough that most of his predictions wouldn't come true or would be slightly altered due to circumstances of probability and the chemical and physical chaos of the universe. if timelines are infinite so are possibilities of every preceivable outcome. So perhaps we are just "delayed" on the supposed WWIII that changes society for the better by reducing population and bringing communites closer together while reducing government to sustainable sectors, destroying useless production practices, and reducing overall planetary pollution. It's literally impossible today for a president to account for his entire country and efficiently make worthwhile decisions during term due to the sheer scale of our populace. John made it clear that war was a driving factor of technological enhancement as well as bringing survivors closer together in community and history will support that.

This being said, the fact John was here, not once but at least twice, plus his original counterpart, suggests there was some sort of error in the divergence or it was altered for us by his subsequent visit and either we're heading to a civil war/WWIII or he was an exceptionally self-made actor and artist into the early age of shitposting and trolling. Looking at the fact the published book is either A) impossible to find in any format or B) insanely expensive on Amazon.com and Ebay ($1000+) suggests it could also have been an elaborate scheme to provide entertainment while reaping the rewards.
