Top 25 Censored Stories for 2009


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Top 25 Censored Stories for 2009

We're about to get in June, and they already post a top 25 of 2009 censored stories. Here they go, you can click to the items to get details. This top ten was posted by Project Censored: The news that didn't make the news. All the items in that list must only be the tip of the iceberg.

Here's the link to the above list: Top 25 Censored Stories for 2009 | Project Censored
There are "nice" stories like nuclear waste dumped in regular landfills, modified news, hidden death tolls and such.
Re: Top 25 Censored Stories for 2009

Great list!

Thankfully I get most of my news from alternative sources, like Digg. Hard to censor stuff there.

Re: Top 25 Censored Stories for 2009

I didnt know some,and I already knew some of those...I listen to NPR. And for tv news its Oregon Public Broadcasting. They just tell the news. Nothing else gets through to sway public opinion.
Just the news. I tell ya, I write the news for the community public radio in Portland (as a volunteer) and for such a liberal oriented station, their policy on just reporting the news only is just good policy.
#8 is why I carry a copy of the Constitution in my bag

Re: Top 25 Censored Stories for 2009

Portland is the only city I've lived in (and I've lived in quite a few) where I actually enjoyed talk radio. How long have you been doing it? Maybe I've heard you ;)

On topic: It's best to avoid mainstream media outlets in the first place. When is favoring a Britney Spears gossip piece over something important concerning the lives of soldiers in Iraq... Local (honest) news and social news sites are the way to go.
Re: Top 25 Censored Stories for 2009

Or when CNN did that Paris Hilton special :P

I get my news from the Daily Rotten! Haha,, just for your morbid news :P
Re: Top 25 Censored Stories for 2009

#23 is interesting to me. Just as I was leaving working in direct patient care, in Jan a new law was enacted where the pharmaceutical companies could no longer bring "gifts." Gifts were everything from pens, to coozies, to staplers-anything you could use in an office or a medical setting were handed out, with the drug name imprinted onto it. Be it a coffee mug or a badge holder, from what I understand, you can't even distrubute pens now with drug names.

Im not sure why this is, other than the fact that these drug reps and dr's were often in cohoots. Drug reps 10 years ago were not above giving docs season tickets for sports teams, etc...just to make sure that the doc would prescribe their drug over a competors. We used to get catered lunches almost everyday, with "in services" on whatever drug they were pushing.

I have a vast collection of medical pens I've saved, and I laugh as I have a huge VIOXX magnet on my fridge-VIOXX now being a banned drug for causing a ridiculous amount of deaths.

Ive left this aspect of health care because of big pharma, and the false advertising that they do. They "disease" monger. Things like "restless leg syndrome" is not a true organic disease state. Yet there are drugs to treat it. Even fibromyalgia is a "created" disease-there is simply no known organic cause within the body to explain it. Things like restless leg and fibromyalgia are symptoms typically of other issues in the mind or body.

It sickened me to see how many people are on drugs they dont need to be on. I'll never forget when the emt's brought in a catatonic patient from a nursing home. They handed me her list of meds. I am not exaggerating when I say that she was on 20 different medications. And yet, everyone asked "Why is she catatonic?" DUH DUH and DUH. Toxic overload. The fun part was figuring out which one of the 20 drugs, and which ones interacted with what.

Big Pharma and the FDA are in bed with each other and its all about profit-not our health. Scary. And I'm not a big conspiracy person-just seen it personally first hand. Theres money to be made in keeping people unhealthy-not curing them.
Re: Top 25 Censored Stories for 2009

Brentnauer said:
Portland is the only city I've lived in (and I've lived in quite a few) where I actually enjoyed talk radio. How long have you been doing it? Maybe I've heard you ;)

On topic: It's best to avoid mainstream media outlets in the first place. When is favoring a Britney Spears gossip piece over something important concerning the lives of soldiers in Iraq... Local (honest) news and social news sites are the way to go.

Portland is great. KPOJ is a good station. I will stalk them until they hire me. I have been writing the news for about seven months. If I had enough time in my life I would have a show once a week. But thats in the future, next year or so. Im goint to do some reporting for them next year. Thats going to be fun.

yeah I remember the paris Hilton arrest and jail show.
Why the hell cant they censor ALL reality shows. Oh I mean "reality".....
I agree with Risata about the health care as a commodity is too much. I collect the pens with the drug names on them too , but I only keep the ones with the mental health drug logos...:)
Re: Top 25 Censored Stories for 2009

Risata, restless legs is a real syndrom. I work in a sleep lab. We see it on camera and see it in the eeg analysis. It does distrurb proper sleep cycles. Patients really are tired and not functioning at full capacity because of it. It's treated with a drug, usually effectively. I understand about the fibromyalgia thing too. I find it hard to be sympathtic with that one. It does have some precular neuro signs. Often not diagnosed, misdiagnosed. They have sleep issues that aggrivate this problem. I think you should get better informed before you make such sweeping statements. Are people over medicated yes, are they also undermedicated for treatable conditions, you bet. Bad medical care is everwhere. Do I think people need to take more responsibilty for thier health yes. Diet and exercise would do a lot to keep many out of the doctors office.
