Debate Top secret cover up of Apollo 18 and more!!! *


After watching Apollo 18 a new release that has came out which was very thought provoking. Likely was similar to what really happened. after the movie i thought i would do a little research on my own. There is good bit mentioned about project blue book, the majectic 12 and why JKF was really assasinated along with Marilyn Monroe. Just goes to show you the lengths our government will go to hide the truth that we are not alone. Also apollo 18 was a suicide mission that never happened and they lied about the astronauts death concerning this mission. They never had any intention of bringing them home just the footage they could get. But the soviets were not so willing to be persuaded to not speak about the incident. JFK's only downfall was the imformation that cia operatives wouldn't allow him to be privy to And his quest for answers
I found this site very interesting in my search. also enjoy this video as well concerning the mission
as well as other documents along with what was called the majestic 12. this is about area 51 and the cover up that happened there. There is a ton of information here of our government and the things they try to hide so well. Not fooling many only if you walk around with your eyes closed. I hope future events play out to expose our government and secret government for what it really is. Love and Light Vamp1r3Goddess

I hesitate to respond to this. I don't want anyone to think all I do is debunk other's posts. I have a few of my own hair-brained ideas posted here for anyone who wishes to critique and more to come. It is simply against my nature to allow people to be blatantly misled. Ie. I call BS, BS.
The definition of debunk:
de·bunk  [dih-buhngk]
verb (used with object)
to expose or excoriate (a claim, assertion, sentiment, etc.) as being pretentious, false, or exaggerated:
— vb
informal ( tr ) to expose the pretensions or falseness of, esp by ridicule
I do try to avoid ridiculing anyone but sometimes in deserving cases, Ren and HDRKID, I fail.
The "movie" Apollo 18 is a Hollywood work of science fiction. Nothing more. If Hollywood, who hates the Government as much as any conspiracy theorist out there, had any real evidence that they based the premise of this movie on they would have made an expose or documentary blasting NASA not a movie they hope only serves to make them a bunch of money. If conspiracy theories bloom from it so much the better for their advertising campaign.
The video in this post is my main point of contention. This video and the many others just like it on the net, youtube, etc. are used to mislead people into believing they are something that they are not...That is alien UFO's. They ARE space debris. Every damn bit of it. Space junk. We the people of Earth, not aliens, put it all there.
BSers like to point out the glow, speedy movement, appearing to come from nowhere and speeding off. All just space junk. Floating in random orbits around the Earth, coming into and moving out of the sun light and reflecting it as they do so. Colliding with each other and making even more pieces of debris. That audio recordings have the shuttle crew discussing objects with ground control only demonstrates the importance of possible contact with a piece of junk. (excerpt)
One of the first events to widely publicize the debris problem was Space Shuttle Challenger's first flight on STS-7. A small fleck of paint impacted Challenger's front window and created a pit over 1 millimetre (0.04 in) wide. Endeavour suffered a similar impact on STS-59 in 1994, but this one pitted the window for about half its depth: a cause for much greater concern. Post-flight examinations have noted a marked increase in the number of minor debris impacts since 1998.[89]

89. Christiansen, E. L., J. L. Hydeb and R. P. Bernhard. "Space Shuttle debris and meteoroid impacts." Advances in Space Research, Volume 34 Issue 5 (May 2004), pp. 1097 – 1103. doi:10.1016/j.asr.2003.12.008
It took a rocket scientist to put it there but it doesn't take one to see it for what it is. I will rail against this BS claiming that it is evidence of Aliens among us as often as and wherever I see it.
I am not saying I doubt the existence of Alien UFOs. They may very well be out there. These videos are NOT the proof you seek.
I apologize Vamp1r3Goddess if I seem to be attacking your post. I'm not. Just pointing out the truth. ( The truth as I see it, but that subject is for a future thread)
Ok if you notice i didnt list the title as a debate. You can beleive what you need for you. I don't need an enlish lesson either. And i'm very aware of our government and what they do. Some people are just here for the sake of an argument you can save it. I know what is real from fake. I know what i see and i know what is truth. So unless i post it as a debate in the title it matters naut to me what your opinion is of my post. Thanks


Ok if you notice i didnt list the title as a debate. You can beleive what you need for you. I don't need an enlish lesson either. And i'm very aware of our government and what they do. Some people are just here for the sake of an argument you can save it. I know what is real from fake. I know what i see and i know what is truth. So unless i post it as a debate in the title it matters naut to me what your opinion is of my post. Thanks

Ok if you notice i didnt list the title as a debate.

That's correct. You didn't. I did. I was following the forum rules. If I had intended to write a glowing response to the accuracy of your post I would have put it in the original thread. Seeing as that was not the case I started a new thread with the prefix Debate under the original title. I did not intend to engage you in a debate of your post. I just wanted to point out the truth concerning the movie, Apollo 18, because your post implies that the movie is true. My post was not for you but for other readers, future readers of your post, who may be misled that the movie or anything in it was true. That is absolutely not the case. Especially so since there was NO Apollo 18 mission. I did not thoroughly debunk your post. I just stated the truth concerning the movie. If, on the other hand, you or anyone else wants to debate this movie I would be happy to. Hell, I'll even go see it in the theatre so I can discuss it more thoroughly. I have read several reviews, one complete with spoilers so I do know what is in it, but I was waiting for it to come out on BluRay. I have a 60 inch HD Tv BluRay player and a kick-ass 7.1 sound system. The pop and popcorn is cheaper (Movie Butter remember ) and my recliner is way more comfy. But if I need to I'll take my grandson and blow $30 to see it. If not, I'll wait.
I did take great exception to the video you included and justly so. That is complete BS. I didn't critique the links you added thought I very well could have as they too were BS.
I don't need an enlish lesson either.
I was not trying to give you an English lesson either. That was for a frame of reference so others know what my intent is. Notice I said nothing concerning your grammar or spelling or sentence structure.
Some people are just here for the sake of an argument you can save it.
I am not just here for the sake of argument. I stated as much in my post.
Peregrini said:
I hesitate to respond to this. I don't want anyone to think all I do is debunk other's posts. I have a few of my own hair-brained ideas posted here for anyone who wishes to critique and more to come. It is simply against my nature to allow people to be blatantly misled. Ie. I call BS, BS.

I don't accept some of the things discussed here but some I do. I am here and I read as much as I can because sometimes from the midst of Babble there can spring forth an Epiphany. That's what I'm watching for.
In the mean time I may post my own ideas, opinions, etc. I will also respond to things I see as blatantly false statements.
Peregrini said:
I am not saying I doubt the existence of Alien UFOs. They may very well be out there. These videos are NOT the proof you seek.
So unless i post it as a debate in the title it matters naut to me what your opinion is of my post. Thanks

Peregrini said:
I apologize Vamp1r3Goddess if I seem to be attacking your post. I'm not. Just pointing out the truth.

I was trying to be polite and not critical of you personally in my post but, if you desire, I will refrain from that unnecessary sentiment between you and I in the future.


Peregrini, do you think any cover up you ever heard from, about the Moon, may be real?


Peregrini, do you think any cover up you ever heard from, about the Moon, may be real?

It is always possible and even likely that the Government would not tell us everything they discover from space/moon/mars exploration. There are no cover ups concerning the moon that I have heard of. I'm not including the conspiracy theories that we didn't go there in the first place. The thing to remember about cover ups is they don't stay covered up forever. In the space program there are far too many civilians who don't follow orders to keep their mouths shut. Not to mention the Soviets who would be more than happy to disclose any information they had that would put the US in a bad light. The soviets watched as the US launched the Apollo missions, as they went to the moon, as they lingered around the moon, as they returned from the moon, and when they landed. If they had noticed any problems not being reported by the US they would have, in light of their own failures, made sure the world knew of them. The US would have denied it, to engage in a cover up, but IT still would have made the NEWS. There are NO NEWS stories from December or January 1974 about Apollo 18.
The movie does make for a good Sci-Fi movie and I do love Sci-Fi but there is no truth to this movie.
The Soviet manned lunar programs were a series of programs pursued by the Soviet Union to land a man on the Moon in competition with the United States Apollo program to achieve the same goal set publicly by President John F. Kennedy on May 25, 1961. The Soviet government publicly denied participating in such a competition, but secretly pursued two programs in the 1960s: manned lunar flyby missions using Soyuz 7K-L1 (Zond) spacecraft launched with the UR-500K (Proton) rocket, and a manned lunar landing using Soyuz 7K-L3 and LK Lander spacecraft launched with the N1 rocket. Following the dual American successes of the first manned lunar orbit on December 24-25, 1968 (Apollo 8) and the first Moon landing on July 20, 1969 (Apollo 11), and a series of catastrophic N1 failures, both Soviet programs were eventually brought to an end: the Proton / Zond program was canceled in 1970, and the N1 / L3 program was terminated de-facto in 1974 and officially canceled in 1976. Details of both Soviet programs were kept secret until 1990, when the government allowed them to be published under the policy of glasnost.
There is much the government covers up in order to keep us blind to their treachery. There is goverment and secret government both exist and are very real. I know people who had not so friendly contact with them. I want go into details but there is a ton they cover up speaking from personal experinces from real people. Thanks Vamp


Which cover ups about the Moon do you have in mind? What would be the most obvious example?
All my point was is that we are being lied to about our government and the information they allow us to have. I found this vid and i find it even more compelling than documents that ive found combined with what i already know. so watch and decide for yourself.


The Universe is full of visual anomalies. In space, on asteroids, planets, and especially here on earth. We can reach the ones here to determine their source or cause. The mystery is revealed in most cases. On other planets or the moon, we can only guess or imagine what they are and boy are our imaginations fruitful. Jesus on a piece of toast, even though NO ONE KNOWS what Jesus looked like, Mary on a stucco wall in California or in the wet concrete under an overpass in Chicago, again we don't really know what she looked like, but if people want to believe, they will believe.
If I lie on my back and watch the clouds I can see bunnies, kittens, and puppies. If you look hard
enough and with a predisposition toward a desired outcome, you will achieve it, whether its really
there or not. Before you say I have my eyes closed, consider your own. I'm not an Ostrich with my head in the ground. I'm more like the Meerkat. Head up looking everywhere at everything. Using common sense and knowledge I try to discern what I see and experience in my life, as best as I can.
