Trudeau Lost Control Of Canada

alpha centauri

Active Member
I dont know why corrupt people like him are even aloud to be leader of a state. I am also complaining about Europe and the EU (there are even more corrupt people in power). There should exist laws which forbids this.

He is rich and privileged and likes to punch down on the less privileged poor people, because they are the easiest target and this worked in the past. But this doesnt seem to work anymore.

I read a comment about a Black trucker. The unvaccinated people are disproportionately more Black people. This fact combined with his racist past (blackface) makes him more dangerous:
The vaccine mandates have hurt Black families more than almost any other group in the country. Black communities in Canada, as in the United States, are disproportionately unvaccinated. Of course, Black men and women would want the mandates to end, and support a protest movement with such demands. Black Lives Matter itself joined an anti-mandate protest in the U.S.

Christian blogger and convoy supporter Samuel Sey, a popular Black Canadian writer, explained how his experience being marginalized due to his vaccine status is a familiar experience for Black people. "Though our governments supposedly lament segregating black people in the past—they're threatening to disproportionately segregate us again through vaccine passports," writes Sey. Sey also called out the hypocrisy of the woke Left: "Since critical race theorists have convinced our governments that racial disparities prove racial discrimination, shouldn't they believe vaccine passports are systemically racist?"
Source: Stop calling the truckers racist. Many Black Canadians support them | Opinion
