Trump to Call for Martial Law Due to Election Fraud – New Election?

Common Sense Conspiracy

Conspiracy Blog

This guy? Martial law? Where ever would you get this from?

Oh, those magic words in conspiracy circles… martial law. Well, here it comes. As you will see in the video below, there are people now pushing forth the theory that President Donald Trump will declare martial law, citing evidence of election meddling, and demand a new election.

What does the CSC think? In the words of Joe Biden, “Come on Man.”


Seriously guys? He can’t declare martial law, cause I got this.

This is more establishment groupthink. Remember when everyone thought Obama was going to declare himself dictator and never leave the White House, possibly even being the Antichrist? Sure you do, because that was 2015. The same people acting like that was loony tunes are now saying the same thing about Trump. It didn’t start there. There are people walking around saying George W. Bush should be tried for war crimes.

Who wins? The establishment. Think outside the “basket of deplorables” concept and think for yourself. We are all being mass-manipulated by one establishment, not two. It changes your view when you get there. It makes it a lot more fun as you watch all of your family and friends buying into something that you know is a bunch of well, keeping with the Biden punchline, malarkey.

President Trump will not be declaring martial law, if such a thing is even possible. The lockdowns from COVID-19 were the closest to martial law that America has ever seen by far, and remember that Trump vigorously opposes them.

But, Biden, he’ll probably impose martial law. You heard it here first. After all, it’s a new president and we must believe all of the same stuff as we did about the others, right?

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Source: Common Sense Conspiracy
