UFo Sight in China

Re: UFo Sight in China

I've seen these pictures before, I thought I read something about it being more like military missile tests but the government would not comment.

And UFO sightings don't usually look like shooting stars.

Re: UFo Sight in China

THe pictures are being recycled but there was another sighting similar to the one that happened a month or so ago. An airport was shut down like the previous one as well. They also said their military confirmed they were testing some thing again.

Re: UFo Sight in China

I thought this happened in like... June?

You're absolutely correct. But I do believe we're talking about two sightings that are very similar. The first one (that you are referring to) wasn't covered by the MSM so it didn't get much attention. The second and most recent one was. I think the MSM lifted the pictures from the first sighting and used them for the second.

Unless they are the same one, but I haven't seen anything that suggests that. Their similarity does make them confusing, especially when photos from the first sighting are being used for the report of the second.

I'll verify this later when I have more time.
Re: UFo Sight in China

You're absolutely correct. But I do believe we're talking about two sightings that are very similar. The first one (that you are referring to) wasn't covered by the MSM so it didn't get much attention. The second and most recent one was. I think the MSM lifted the pictures from the first sighting and used them for the second.

Unless they are the same one, but I haven't seen anything that suggests that. Their similarity does make them confusing, especially when photos from the first sighting are being used for the report of the second.

I'll verify this later when I have more time.

Awesome, thanks! I KNOW I've seen the photo of the UFO with the blurry house on the left before.
