universe is a video game


Senior Member
Actually, one of my beliefs is that the universe is a computer simulation such as a video game. Still, we need to gather evidence if a theory we wanna prove. OK, so this is not evidence, but it is interesting to me. A person told me, that he saw some flashes, I did not see any. However, I filmed it any way.

Basically, it is some cows. They are in a forest park grazing on grass. Notice the flashes that are so eerie.



Temporal Engineer
I watched the video. In my opinion I think we are looking at a simulation or CGI.


Temporal Engineer
I wish I had the cheat codes, like the 1%ers do.

If you paid attention along the way you realize you may have some abilities that didn't come with a users manual. That seems like a common theme in video games. In my case I seem to thwart death. Like I have extra lives along the way. I've never put it to the test. But it seems like reality bends to meet my need for continued existence. But just what if I put it to the test and found out I can control reality?


If you paid attention along the way you realize you may have some abilities that didn't come with a users manual. That seems like a common theme in video games. In my case I seem to thwart death. Like I have extra lives along the way. I've never put it to the test. But it seems like reality bends to meet my need for continued existence. But just what if I put it to the test and found out I can control reality?

If you figure it out, please share.


Senior Member
You can get through Super Mario Bros. really fast if you just run and jump and don't even think about it just keep holding the b button and ignore all the pits and don't be intimidated.

Yeah when we see aliens that's when we accidentally end up in "debug mode" and see the code,
sometimes we even see the programmers. The programmers are the aliens jk
