Unknown Time Travel Movie


Active Member
Saw yet another movie
Sound of My Voice (2011) - IMDb

Interestingly some of the things the lead woman in the movie talks about (learn to shoot gun, grow your food, no CDs, etc but more live music) reminded me of John Titor :eek:

I rather like how the movie depicts 'proof' of time travel. It is as I have explained it here at Paranormalis. It is always after-the-fact information from a before-the-fact point in time.

She knew the secret handshake.

Now consider how her and her mother would be able to prove it to everyone else in regard to the handshake. From each of their personal perspectives, they see it as proof because they both know the difference. But no one else could know the difference unless they actually witnessed it happen as Peter did. Even Peter could rationalize it and say that they planned it somehow. But Maggie and Abigail know for sure, unlike anyone else.

Of course, they could just as well get a DNA test to prove Maggie had Abigail's DNA. How does a grown woman have a little girl's DNA, and before the little girl is sexually mature and able to reproduce?
