đź“ş Video Unsolved Mysteries

Well ghosts and spirits are capable of a great deal especially maelevolent ones. I have been attacked before by something I couldn't see in this house that was very haunted that i lived in. We had tons of activity all the time and my children were always afraid. Not a good feeling when you can't see or touch it to fight back. It is hard to believe that it is possible unless you have had an experience to know that it can happen. Love and Light Vamp1r3Goddess
I can't say i have ever been attacked but with my little brother and a few others in my house have reported seeing a Man who walks around in the house randomly and has a bad habit of staring at my little brother sometimes when is sleeping which then he wakes up and freaks out. I have been to plenty of haunted locations i have been touched poked and my shirt pulled but never attacked.
Thanks for the link Khaos. I've been wanting to see this again because I've been telling people about this for years, but never could find it. I guess slowly but surely I need to welcome in the fact that EVERYTHING is on the internet, and Google knows all.
Thanks for the link Khaos. I've been wanting to see this again because I've been telling people about this for years, but never could find it. I guess slowly but surely I need to welcome in the fact that EVERYTHING is on the internet, and Google knows all.

Google does know all. It sees all too, have you checked out google earth and street view? That is lovely lol.

And you're welcome for the link :)
Actually.. I was looking for a house to buy recently and the owners were a bit skeptical with me being half way around the world. But then I think I weirded him out a little bit when I was asking about certain things on the front of the house and the back. And he hadn't even posted those pictures. I told him I was using Google Earth. LOL. Also another spot out in KY where I am looking to buy some raw land.. I was asking the owners about entry points and he was telling me how difficult it was to describe without me being there. So I started mentioning certain landmarks .. He was an older gentleman that I don't think knew too much about the internet let alone Google Earth.. And then I showed him how to use Google Earth Desktop app to trace a line around his perimeter as well as us the measure tool to get appx distances.. LOL.

Back to the original link though.. That article was really eye opening. The family actually wrote him their rebuttal on what really happened. The original episode never mentioned there being two ghosts or that it wasn't the little girl causing the harm.. it was the woman that was never mentioned doing it to the husband in order to try and drive the wife away.. What a weird thinking that ghosts have i guess.. Beat the man and it makes the woman leave? hmmm.. Although .. I have known men that think if they beat their wives/girlfriends that they will stay with them longer.. maybe its the same thinking.
